
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09
摘  要:“S1…”结构法语基础学习阶段要求掌握的重要内容之一。它可以表达条件.表示在一定条件下发生的动作.条件是极有可能实现的.故主句谓语动作通常用直陈式(亦可用命令式表达愿望或命令)。它可以表达假设,对将来、现在和过去进行假设。假设通常与事实是不相符的,法语毕业论文法语论文题目,故主句谓语动词用条件式.The "si..." structure is an important content students should grasp in the basic stage of French learning. It can ex- press condition, i.e., the act happening under certain condition, and the condition is most likely to achieve, so the act of the predicate in the main clause is often presented straigthly (also using imperative mood to express willing and order). It can al- so express hypothesis, the hypothesis of the future, now and the past, but the predicate verb of the main clause is condi- tional expression for hypothesis doesn't usually coincide with the fact.
