
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09
摘  要:在国际语言交流中,汉语、英语、西班牙语和法语排在前四位,法语毕业论文,由于英法两国的历史、文化之间的渊源,使得很多英语系的学生把法语作为第二外语。同时,社会对外语人才的要求从原来掌握一门外语的专才,演变成能同时应用两三门的通才。由于法国高等教育水平堪称世界一流,越来越多的高校开设法语系和第二外语,法语论文题目,探讨法语作为第二外语教学工作,也就迫在眉睫。In the international language communication, Chinese, English, French and Spanish are in the top four. As the history of Britain and France and the origin of cultures, many students of English majors take Frenchas the second foreign language. Still, the requirements of society changes fi'om the original foreign language professionals to master a foreign language expertise, evolved into the use of two or three simultaneously generalist. Because of high level of French higher education, more and more colleges make French as their second foreign language. It's imminent to research French as the second foreign language.
