
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09
摘  要:瑞士法语作家布莱斯·桑德拉尔的《黄金》中,浓缩的叙事结构承载着宏伟的史诗勾勒。叙述者在虚构的历史中宣泄对真实世界的激情。简洁和细致、虚构和写实、诗意与简约、激情与克制融为一体。桑德拉尔的小说不着重抽象方面的深层次理性解析或人文关怀,对一切现实具体存在的执着热爱是《黄金》简洁叙事的魅力所在。大师的叙事激情释放了诗人通过写作拥抱世界的愿望。The French Swiss writer Blaise Cendrars's Gold includes a condensed epic narrative structure where the narrator vents in the fictional history his passion of the real world. Simplicity and complexity, ficitionality and realism, poeticity and conciseness, and passion and restraint are all unified in this narrative structure. Cendrars does not emphasize the abstract, rational analysis,but rather his persistent love for the realistic world, which is precisely the charm of Gold. The passion in his narration expresses the author's desire to embrace the world through writing.
