
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09
摘  要:法语英语因历史的原因有着千丝万缕的联系。英法两种语言互相借词的数量之大,法语论文范文,是其他语言之间少见的。但一个多世纪以来,法语论文题目,英法借词的天平发生了变化:法语经历了由以借出为主到以借入为主的过程。英语词大举进入法语,大有同化法语之势,法语中的英语化现象日趋严重。本文从法语中英语借词的历史和近况入手,探讨略论法语中英语借词在词形、语义及句法方面的表现。French and English maintain innumerable ties with each other owing to certain historical causes,and it has long been a common phenomenon for both borrowing words from each other. But the balance of word loaning between the two languages has gradually leant to one side over the last century,namely French has witnessed the process from a balance of exports over import to a balance of imports over exports. The effect of English on the French has been immeasurably greater than that of French on the English and the Anglicization of French has become more conspicuous. Starting from a brief study of the past and present of the word-loaning from English to French, this paper attempts to analyze the features of the words borrowed from English in form, semantic meaning and syntax so as to show the Anglicization in French.
