Belgium:Federal State that the Local Cultural Community to provide Cultural Services Security[法语论文]

资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-17



Belgium is a federal state under the constitutional monarchy.It divided into Flemish region, French region,German-speaking region and Brussels bilingual region four language areas and French,Flemish and German-speaking cultural community.The field of cultural policies in Belgium developed followed the Second World War and a framework of culture polices was completed towards the end of the sixties.Belgium cultural policy objec-tives are based on the principles of political and cultural democracy.Three cultural community have their own princi-ples.The content of Belgium cultural policy is rich which involves cultural communication,cultural involvement,cul-tural diversity and cultural inclusive,cultural innovation,cultural support,digital culture,eco-culture,art educa-tion and cross-culture education,amateur arts and so on.The Constitution of Belgium and Cultural Pact Art are the general legislation.In addition there are legislation on culture and sector specific legislation.It breaks down the cul-tural expenditures according to the levels of government and department ,and the public cultural consumption and employment are also studies.
