On Charles Rey and His Hakka French Dictionary[法语论文]

资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-17

巴黎外方传教会神父Charles Rey(中文名“赖嘉禄”)所编Dictionnaire chinois-fran?ais:dialectehac-ka;précédédequelquesnotionsetexercicessurlestons(《客法词典》,港台学者也译为《客法大辞典》),法语论文范文,记录了20世纪初叶的粤东嘉应客家方言。根据教会文献、口传资料考证,法语毕业论文,还原了赖嘉禄神父在粤东客家地区的传教情况,及其所撰《客法词典》的基本情况。


This paper tries to discover the life of Charles Rey, a catholic priest of Missions étrangères de Paris who came to China a century ago as well as his Hakka French dictionary, Dictionaire Chinois - Fransais, Dialecte Hac-ka, Précédé de Quelques Notions et Exercices sur les Tons, which recorded the Hakka dialect in east Guangdong in the early 19th Century. Based on the Christian documents and the verbal materials, the paper tries to restore Charles Rey’ s actual missionary work in the Hakka regions of east Guangdong and also the information about his dictionary.
