
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18

作为说话国情学的继续者,说话文明学是一门新兴穿插学科,它从说话学、文明学、外交学、认知学、心思学、符号学等多个偏向和多个角度并采取全体综合的办法对说话与文明关系停止研究。说话世界图景实际是该学科认知学或认贴心理学偏向的焦点概念和内容之一。而不雅念“KOHIIeIIT”实际是说话世界图景的说话文明学剖析的一个根本单元,不雅念即“文明在人认识中的凝集物”,俄语论文,本文彩用说话文明学派代表人物斯捷潘诺夫(CTeIIaHOB IO。 C。)的不雅念界说,俄语毕业论文,对最能反应平易近族文明的成语、谚语、平易近风及经典作家文本中的“秋”不雅念停止解读,为读者出现较丰硕的俄罗斯秋文明。本文的立异性重要表现在:1。用说话世界图景中的“不雅念”实际对“秋”文明停止单列研究,在国际及俄罗斯属开创。2。把普希金(被高尔基誉为俄罗斯“一切开始的开始”)和布宁(俄罗斯第一个诺贝尔获取得者)两位文坛年夜师分歧创作期具有代表性的文本作语料,使论文更具压服力、更具价值。3。对作家个体文本有了更深刻剖析及更具内在懂得的冲破,特殊对普希金《秋》(1833)的诠释填补了国际仅表象研究的缺乏。论文由引言、注释三个部门、结语、参考文献构成:引言部门简述论文选题动因和主要性、论文的立异性、实际价值及实际性。第一章简述俄语说话文明研究从说话国情学到说话文明学的成长进程及说话世界图景的说话文明学剖析的不雅念实际。第二章以辞书词条、成语、谚语语料和平易近间风俗停止剖析,归结俄罗斯平易近族个人认识中的“秋”不雅念。第三章以普希金和布宁分歧时代代表作中的秋景描述为语料,诠释作家个别的“秋”不雅念。


As conditions learns to talk to them, speak civilization is a new cross subject, it from learning to speak, Wen Mingxue, diplomacy, cognitive science, psychology, semiotics and multiple bias and multiple angle and take all the comprehensive approach to speak civilization and relationship research. Is the subject of cognitive science or recognize the focus of the concept and content of psychology with bias talking picture of the world. And indecent read "KOHIIeIIT" is actually speak analysis of a fundamental unit of the picture of the world speak of civilization, don't ya Nian "civilization in human understanding of aggregates", the color with civilized school representatives Stepanov speak (CTeIIaHOB io. C. ) indecent read the definition of the reaction ethnic civilization the idiom, proverb, plain close to the wind and classical writer text in the "autumn" indecent Nian stop reading, readers appear richer Russian autumn civilization. In this paper, the innovation of important performance in: 1. By talking picture of the world in "indecent read" actual "autumn" civilization of separate research, in international and Russian is initiated. 2. The Pushkin (Gorky praise as Russia's "is the beginning of all start") and Bunin (Russia the first Nobel winner) two literary Nianye division differences creative period is representative of the text corpus, make the thesis more convincing, more valuable. 3. To the individual writers text have a more profound analysis and more internal know break special of Pushkin "autumn" (1833) interpretation to fill the international representation research only lack of. Thesis consists of introduction, notes three departments, conclusion and references constitute: the introduction part briefs the motivations and main, the innovation, practical value and practical. In the first chapter, we introduce Russian speaking cultural studies from talking conditions learn speak of civilization development and talk to the picture of the world speak of civilization study analysis of indecent read actual. The second chapter to dictionary entries, idioms, proverbs corpus and plain in the custom analysis, attributed the Russian ethnic personal understanding of "autumn" indecent read. The third chapter on Pushkin and differences of Bunin represented the time for autumn described as the corpus, the interpretation of a writer other "autumn" indecent read.


论文摘要   7   外文摘要   8-10   目录   10-11   引言   11-13   第一章 语言文化学理论探讨   13-19       第一节 语言与文化相互关系   13-14       第二节 作为一门独立学科的语言文化学   14-19           一、语言文化学视角下的语言世界图景   15-17           二、语言文化学基本单位--观念   17-19   第二章 俄罗斯民族文化中的“秋”观念及其地位和意义   19-30       第一节 词典中的“秋”释义   19-24       第二节 成语、谚语中的“秋”观念   24-27       第三节 民风民俗中的“秋”观念   27-30   第三章 普希金、布宁文本中的“秋”观念   30-55       第一节 普希金不同时期代表作中的“秋”观念   30-47           一、早期著作中的“秋”观念   30-32           二、晚期著作中的“秋”观念   32-47       第二节 布宁不同时期代表作中的“秋”观念   47-55           一、十月革命前创作中的“秋”观念   47-52           二、侨居法国晚期创作中的“秋”观念   52-55   结语   55-56   附录   56-59   参考文献   59-62   后记   62  
