
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



The generative of speech is one of the essential characteristics of speech. And accurate understanding of the essence of language teaching is very important to foreign language teaching. Development of foreign language teaching principles, teaching methods of teaching design and teaching methods can not be separated from the understanding of the essence of the talk. Speech is a generative system. Unlimited information can be found in the creation of endless sentences. Foreign language teaching not just stop analog memory foreign language information, more important should also Mr. analogy and invention unlimited application of language understanding and expression of thoughts to accomplish. The generation of speech is important in the three aspects of speech: the lexical level, sentence level and textual level. This article attempts from Russian teaching current situation, combined with teaching and learning to speak of coherent actual, talk about important generative and in Russian teaching in use. The aim is to promote the study of Russian Mr., the progress of Russian teaching quality. The full text is divided into three parts: the first part discusses the reality of speech production: the generative nature of the speech is one of the essential characteristics of the speech and the formation of the various aspects of the speech. The second part is the key part of the full text, and discusses the significance of the generative teaching and the application of the teaching and learning of vocabulary, sentence pattern and the teaching of text. The third sector is a summary. Through the elaboration of the above content, we can sum up the following: 1 the generation of speech is one of the main characteristics of the speech. The generative characteristics of speech are important in the three aspects of speech, word level, sentence level and discourse level. 2. Talk to the generation of speech vocabulary memory, sentence pattern teaching and text teaching has the very big inspiration effect, can make Mr. analogy and invention to stop learning Russian. Progress in Russian teaching quality. 3 enough to be familiar with the substance of the speech, familiar with the characteristics of the production of speech, the ability to better stop teaching and learning Russian teaching. A Russian teacher and wide teaching task, the main is to change the concept, to speak and learn knowledge and foreign language teaching in combination, continuously improve foreign language teaching and improve their English teaching quality.


中文摘要   3-4   英文摘要   4   俄文摘要   6-9   目录   9-10   引言   10-11   一、 对于语言的生成性   11-15       (一) 语言的生成性是语言的本质特征之一   11-14       (二) 语言的生成性在语言的各个层面的表现   14-15   二、 语言的生成性的意义及在外语教学中的运用   15-37       (一) 语言生成性的教学意义   15       (二) 语言生成性在外语教学中的运用   15-37   三、 结论   37-38   参考文献   38-40   后记   40  
