
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



The verb is the main component of the vocabulary, and the main character of the speech is not known. In shape, syntax, vocabulary, semantics and pragmatic practice, they occupy the focus position. In order to start from the verb, it should be studied. Onomatopoeic verbs as a main verb semantic category, mutual concern with people's daily life, and the number of verbs is rich. However, research on the Russian verb is a rare international onomatopoeia, especially the special study of Russian life non stop object verb onomatopoeia works hardly. The comprehensive application of the basic speech real exchange semantics, morphology, cognitive linguistics and other disciplines, with Russian non life onomatopoeia object verbs as the research object, from the definition, classification, analysis, morphological analysis and sememe metaphor and other aspects of the Russian non life object verb onomatopoeia comprehensive research, according to the "sound occurs the method will be divided into" verb "percussion", "rubbing" and "break" and "activity" and other four kinds of onomatopoeic verbs. On this basis, analyze the situation emerge in each subgroup of the verb meaning. The actual application of word formation, word semantic characteristic analysis of non life object verb onomatopoeia. Through the cognitive mechanism of metaphor, the metaphor meaning of this kind of verbs is analyzed. Research on the Russian non life object verb onomatopoeia, and can in fact rich of this kind of verbs research ideas and methods, and discuss its findings not only contribute to the semantics and profound research more on foreign language teaching and dictionary translation, bilingual translation of coherent category has certain reference and reference value.


目录   5-7   摘要   7   Реферат   8-9   第一章 绪论   9-17       一、 国内外探讨近况   9-13           (一) 国内探讨近况   9-12           (二) 国外探讨近况   12-13       二、 探讨意义   13-14       三、 探讨措施   14       四、 探讨内容   14-15       五、 探讨的创新之处   15       注释   15-17   第二章 俄语非生命物体类拟声动词的界定及其范围   17-28       一、 相关术语的界定   17-21           (一) 拟声词   17-18           (二) 言语动词   18-20           (三) 声响动词   20-21       二、 拟声动词的界定   21-25       三、 俄语非生命物体类拟声动词的收词范围   25       本章小结   25-26       注释   26-28   第三章 俄语非生命物体类拟声动词的分类   28-38       一、 声响动词现有的分类准则   28-30           (一) 二分观   28-29           (二) 三分观   29-30       二、 俄语非生命物体类拟声动词的分类准则   30       三、 俄语非生命物体类拟声动词的类别划分   30-37           (一) “敲击类”拟声动词   32-34           (二) “摩擦类”拟声动词   34-35           (三) “破裂类”拟声动词   35-36           (四) “流动类”拟声动词   36-37       本章小结   37       注释   37-38   第四章 俄语非生命物体类拟声动词的义素略论   38-51       一、 “敲击类”拟声动词的义素略论   38-43       二、 “摩擦类”拟声动词的义素略论   43-47       三、 “破裂类”拟声动词的义素略论   47-48       四、 “流动类”拟声动词的义素略论   48-50       本章小结   50       注释   50-51   第五章 俄语非生命物体类拟声动词的构词语义略论   51-57       一、 俄语非生命物体类拟声词派生拟声动词的构词略论   51-53           (一) 拟声词 / ать(нуть)   52           (二) 拟声词 / кать(кнуть)   52           (三) 拟声词 / еть   52-53           (四) 俄语非生命物体类拟声词派生的间接拟声动词   53       二、 俄语非生命物体类拟声动词的缀化构词略论   53-56       本章小结   56       注释   56-57   第六章 俄语非生命物体类拟声动词隐喻化   57-71       一、 隐喻本质及隐喻类型   57       二、 俄语非生命物体类拟声动词的隐喻转换模式   57-69           (一) 从声响域向言语域转移   58-61           (二) 从声响域向物理域转移   61-65           (三) 从声响域向社会域转移   65-66           (四) 从声响域向情感域转移   66-67           (五) 从声响域向状态域转移   67-69       三、 隐喻理据   69       本章小结   69       注释   69-71   结论   71-72   参考文献   72-75   攻读学位期间的学术论文   75-77   致谢   77  
