
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18

迄今为止,很多说话学家从语法的角度,对俄语带一ся动词曾经作了年夜量体系的研究。在语义场蓬勃成长的明天,尚没有周全对俄语带一ся动词停止功效语义体系分类研究的论著。本论文以功效语义场实际为基本对俄语带一ся动词的功效语义特点停止体系分类研究。本论文拟处理三个方面的成绩:第一,将辞书中带一ся动词依据其个性语义特点划分出分歧的语义场,俄语论文,依据特性语义特点作具体的分类。第二,在带一ся动词意义根本元素共有的基本上,说明语义场的外部构造。第三,说明带一ся动词各个语义场、语义群之间的关系。论文共分三年夜章:第一章,起首论述了语义学研究的汗青和现状,说明了功效语义场、领域语义等实际,为论文的研究任务供给实际基本;其次论述了研究的目标和义务,论题的实际意义和迷信新意。第二章,运用上述实际对俄语带一ся动词停止功效语义划分。依据俄语动词态这一语法领域语义特点,俄语论文范文,把带一ся动词划分为表现主动意义的带一ся动词语义场和表现非主动意义的带一ся动词语义场。说明每一个场的品级构造特色和分歧场之间的对应关系。本章分为两节。第一节对带一ся动词主动态句子从行动客体、主动行动和行动主体三方面停止分类研究。第二节对表现非主动意义的带一ся动词语义场停止研究,说明了反身动词和非反身动词的意义、种别。这是本文的亮点。第三章,结论:证实作为辞汇修建单元的尾缀一ся与动词词干联合后,在说话体系中的语义其实不是零碎的、没有接洽,而是依据必定的纪律分条理组织起来的,组成相互接洽、相互穿插的体系。本论文摘取了《古代俄汉双解辞书》(外语教授教养与研究出书社,1993年版)1400多个俄语带一ся动词,搜集卡片例句2900余张,所选用例句重要来自《古代俄汉双解辞书》(《Новый русско一китайский словарь》)和古代文学。从实际上讲,依据带一ся动词功效语义特点的分歧或许对峙,对场停止划分,可以分到穷尽。因为本论文篇幅无限,对场的划分只能停止到三级为止。


So far, many linguists from the perspective of grammar, with a C up of Russian verbs have done much research system. In the semantic field and the vigorous development of tomorrow, there is no comprehensive of Russian with customers on verbs stop function semantic classification system research works. The effect of semantic field for the semantic features of the actual effect of basic Russian Verbs with a C and stop the classification system of research. This paper intends to deal with three aspects: first, the dictionary with customers on verbs according to the division of his personality and semantic features of different semantic field, according to the characteristics of semantic features for specific classification. In second, with a C and verb meaning basic elements common basically, that the external semantic field construction. Third, explain the relationship between the verb with a C for each semantic field, semantic group. Paper is divided into three big chapters: first chapter, first discusses the semantics is the study of the history and current status, illustrates the practical effect of semantic field, semantic domain and so on, the research task supply basic theory; secondly, discusses the research goal and obligation, topics of practical significance and a fan letter new. The second chapter, the actual application of the Russian verb with a C and stop function semantic division. According to the semantic features of verbs in Russian state this grammatical field, with a C, verbs are classified as show initiative significance with customers on semantic field and non active significance with a C, and dynamic semantic field. The corresponding relationship between grade tectonic features in every field and divergence field. This chapter is divided into two sections. The first section of the main verb with a C and dynamic sentence from the action object, initiative and action of the main three aspects of classification of the study. The second section on the performance of non active significance with customers, and dynamic semantic field research, illustrates the reflexive verb and non reflexive verb meanings, don't. This is the highlight of this paper. Chapter 3. Conclusion: it is proved that as vocabulary building unit tail Zhui, "and the verb stem joint, talking in the semantic system actually is not fragmented, no contact, but according to certain discipline points organization, mutual contact and interpenetration of composition. The removal of the ancient Russian and Chinese double solution Dictionary (foreign language teaching and Research Press, 1993 edition) more than 1400 Russian with customers on verbs, collecting card. More than 2900 Zhang selected. Important from the ancient Russian and Chinese double solution Dictionary (the is Liapunov's allus souffl, and customers, kappa, kappa me to pgfla souffl, kappa, souffl, Korolev Liapunov's alpha, has ") and the ancient literature. In theory, with a C on verbs function semantic features according to the different perhaps confrontation, on the field division, can be divided to exhaustion. Because of the infinite space of this paper, the division of the field can only be stopped until three.

