摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,俄语论文网站,内容请直接查看目录。) 俄语成语是俄语中的精髓,也是俄罗斯平易近族聪明的结晶,反应着丰硕多彩的俄罗斯平易近族文明常识。它可以或许抽象、活泼、精练地表达人的思惟及人人间深入的事理。“人”分歧于植物、植物,“人”自己不只具有天然属性,同时也具有社会属性。人们在描写“人”的特点的时刻,经常会从本身树立的世界不雅和价值不雅动身。所以在分歧文明配景下,人的特点的构成也必定遭到平易近族文明的作用。本文从说话文明角度对表现“человек(人)”特点的俄语成语停止研究,进一步反应出俄语成语中包含的丰硕的平易近族文明。此项研究结果对进一步俄语成语的研究,说话国情学研究,成语比较研究等具有必定的积极意义和自创意义。本文重要由引言,三个章节和结语组成。引言部门概述了本文的研究目标、义务和研究该课题的实际意义和理论意义。第一章重要对俄语成语的界说、特点和规模界定停止概述,明白本文的研究对象:本文所研究的成语是狭义的,包含广义的成语、鄙谚、谚语和名言等一切不直接表现景象的说话手腕。第二章重要阐释了成语与文明之间的关系。俄语成语的构成遭到俄罗斯平易近族文明的作用,同时,俄语成语像一面镜子,将俄罗斯平易近族传统文明反应出来。本章从汗青、天然情况、宗教崇奉、风气习气和文学创作五个方面来提醒俄语成语反应出的平易近族文明。第三章重要从说话文明角度详细剖析表现“человек”特点的俄语成语,从“人的表面特点”、“人的智力特点”、“人的性情特点”和“人的社会特点”四个方面来剖析表现“человек”特点的俄语成语中所包含的丰硕的平易近族文明。最初是结语部门,俄语论文网站,对所研究内容停止总结,进一步明白论文的主题思惟和研究结果。本文以表现“человек”特点的俄语成语为研究对象,从说话文明角度提醒个中所包含的俄罗斯平易近族文明。将俄语成语与说话文明联合起来,可以或许让我们更好地控制运用成语,同时丰硕我们的国情文明常识。 Abstract: Russian idioms is the essence in Russian, and crystallization of Russia's national smart, rich and colorful response to Russia's national cultural knowledge. People thinking and it can abstract, lively and concise Master human deep sense of surface. "People" differences in plants, plants, people not only have their own natural attributes, but also has the social attribute. People in the description of the "human" characteristics of the moment, often set from the world outlook and values start. So in different civilization background, influence human characteristics must also by ethnic civilization. The from speaking civilization angle characteristics of performance "identified Korolev Liapunov's by kappa (person)" of Russian idioms research further reflect in Russian idioms contain rich plain near family civilization. The research results for the further study of Russian idioms, speaking situation research, is of positive significance to certain idioms comparative study and reference. This paper consists of preface, three chapters and conclusion. The introduction summarizes the research department goals, obligations and Research on this topic's theoretical and practical significance. Chapter one definition of Russian idioms, characteristics and scale definition overview and understand the research object of this article: the research of idioms is narrow, including generalized idioms, proverbs, proverbs and sayings such as everything not directly show scene to speak of the wrist. The second chapter explains the relationship between idioms and culture. Influence of Russian idioms which was the Russian Nationality Civilization at the same time, Russian idiom is like a mirror, the Russian ethnic traditional civilization reflected. This chapter from the history, natural environment, religious belief, habit and literary creation five aspects to remind of Russian idioms reflect the plain near family civilization. Chapter three important from a cultural point of view, a detailed analysis of the speech "identified Korolev Liapunov's by kappa" characteristics of Russian idioms, from four aspects of "surface", "human intelligence", "the character" and "human social characteristics" to analyze the performance "identified Korolev Liapunov's by kappa" characteristics of Russian idioms contain rich plain ethnic civilization. The first is the conclusion of the research department, content summary, further understand the theme and research results. This article to "identified Korolev Liapunov's by kappa" performance characteristics of Russian idioms as the object of study, speaking from the cultural point of view remind medium contained in the Russian plain near family civilization. The Russian idioms together and speak of civilization, can let us better control and application of idioms, our country rich cultural knowledge. 目录: |