摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 普希金与屠格涅夫在十九世纪俄罗文雅学史上占领异常主要的位置,也是世界文学史上两颗残暴的明珠。普希金是古代俄国文学的奠定人,他首创了俄国文学的一个新的时代,推进了俄国文学的勃兴与成长,对俄国文学做出了出色的进献。冈察洛夫明白指出:“一如罗蒙诺索夫是俄国迷信之父,普希金是俄国艺术之父、开山开山祖师”(冈察洛夫1955:77)。屠格涅夫异常崇敬普希金,在屠格涅夫身上人们一直可以或许感触感染到他对普希金那种独有的先生般的敬爱和敬佩之情,他以为普希金是俄国第一名诗人艺术家,俄语毕业论文,对于普希金在俄国文学史上的感化赐与了很高的评价。在列席1880年莫斯科普希金留念碑开幕式时揭橥的讲话中,屠格涅夫指出:“他(指普希金。--笔者注)必需孤身一人同时做两项任务,而在其他国度则须要整整一个世纪乃至更长的时光来完成。这两项任务分离是:发明说话和首创文学”(屠格涅夫1964)。在文学创作方面,普希金对屠格涅夫的主要作用不言而喻,不管是在其晚期创作的诗歌中,照样在他中、前期创作的长篇小说中,我们都可以或许发明普希金传统的陈迹。 Abstract: Pushkin and Turgenev occupied the position the main anomaly in nineteenth Century the Russian history is elegant, two a resplendent pearl in the history of world literature. Pushkin is the ancient Russian literature lay people, he created a new era of Russian literature, promoted the emergence and growth of Russian literature, Russian literature has made outstanding contributions. Goncharov pointed out: "if Lomonosov is the father of Pushkin is a Russian superstition, the father of Russian art, pioneer kaishanzushi" (Goncharov 1955:77). Turgenev unusual reverence for Turgenev, in the body of Pushkin who have been able to experience his unique to the kind of Mr. Pushkin's love and admiration, he thought Pushkin is Russia's first poet and artist, Pushkin in the history of Russian literature to give a very high evaluation. In 1880 Pushkin attended the Moscow monument at the opening ceremony revealed in his speech, Turgenev said: "he (referring to Pushkin. The author's note must do two tasks at the same time, and in other countries, it is necessary to complete a whole century and even longer time to complete. These two tasks were separated: the invention of speaking and the first literature (Turgenev 1964). In the aspect of literary creation, Pushkin's influence on Turgenev mainly it is self-evident, whether writing in his late poetry, still in his early works, in the novel, we can trace the traditional Pushkin method. 目录: Благодарность 4-5 Автореферат I 5-6 摘要 6 Введение 8-14 Глава 1. ТворческаяэволюцияИ. С. Тургенева 14-26 1.1 Порараннеготворчества 14-19 1.2 Перехождениекроману 19-26 Глава 2. ВлияниепушкинскойтрадициинаТургенева 26-38 2.1 ЗначениетворчестваПушкинаврусскойлитературе 26-32 2.2 ПушкинглазамиТургенева 32-38 Глава 3. ПроявлениепушкинскойтрадициивроманахТургенева 38-62 3.1 Образ лишнегочеловека 38-45 3.2 Образыблестящихдворянскихдевушек 45-51 3.3 Образыдругихперсонажей 51-54 3.4 Приёмыпушкинскогопсихологизма 54-57 3.5 Сюжетромана 57-62 Заключение 62-66 Литература 66-71 |