摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 康·安·斯卡奇科夫(1821—1883)是19世纪下半期俄国一名很有名望的人物。从道光二十九年起前后三次离开中国:第一次自道光二十九年(1849年)至咸丰七年(1857年),俄国第十三届布道士团随团先生兼任地理不雅测台台长;第二次自咸丰九年(1859年)至同治元年(1862年),担负俄国驻新疆塔城领事,积极合营和策划俄国在新疆一带的侵犯运动,也由此开端其交际官生活;第三次自同治六年(1867年)至光绪五年(1879年),担负俄国驻天津领事,因天津港口在中俄商业中的位置日趋主要,斯卡奇科夫从同治九年(1870年)起升任为天津总领事。膺此重担的斯卡奇科夫在处置天津教案中的“俄案”时谨严从事,不只稳固了俄国商人在天津茶埠的位置,并且增进了俄国对华商业的成长,俄语论文题目,在中、俄近代史、中俄近代关系史上都有主要作用。本文经由过程整顿和总结清朝官修的对外关系档案材料汇编和当朝官员、学士的记载,俄语专业论文,并参考国外学者的研究,运用史料剖析与史论联合的研究办法,从多方面临斯卡奇科夫在华运动停止论述和剖析,并对其人物和透过这人对俄国交际停止剖析和评价。 Abstract: Con Ann Skachkov (1883 - 1821) was a famous figure in Russia in the second half of nineteenth Century. From the light of twenty-nine years before and after the three left China: for the first time since the Daoguang twenty-nine years (1849) to Xianfeng seven years (1857), the thirteenth Russian missionaries ensemble as Mr. geographical Observatory director; second times since Xianfeng nine years (1859) to the first year of tongzhi (1862), Russia's shoulder Xinjiang Consul General in Tacheng, and actively planning joint venture in the Xinjiang area of the invasion of Russia, thus beginning the communicator life; third times since the Tongzhi six years (1867) to five years Guangxu (1879), responsible for the Russian consulate in Tianjin, because of the Tianjin port in the Sino Russian business position has become increasingly important, J Cachi Kopf from Tongzhi nine year (1870) up to the Consulate General of Tianjin. Pseudo this burden of skachkov in disposal Tianjin massacre in the Russian case "cautious in not only secure the Russian businessmen in the position of the Tianjin port of tea, and promote the growth of Russia's business in China and in Russia's modern history, modern Russia relation history on have main effect. This paper through the rectification process and summary records of the repair of the Qing Dynasty official foreign relations of archival material assembly and government officials, bachelor, and reference of foreign scholars research, by the historical analysis and the history of joint research methods, the pro ska odd cove in China motion stop is discussed and analyzed, and the characters and through the people of Russia communication stop analysis and evaluation. 目录: 中文摘要 5-7 Abstract 7-8 第1章 绪论 10-14 1.1 选题意义 10 1.2 学术回顾 10-11 1.3 探讨措施及写作思路 11-12 1.4 创新与不足 12-14 第2章 斯卡奇科夫在华学术活动 14-19 2.1 斯卡奇科夫早年生活 14-15 2.2 在华学习及成就 15-19 第3章 斯卡奇科夫的外交官生涯 19-30 3.1 塔城领事 20-21 3.2 天津领事 21-30 3.2.1 天津教案 21-23 3.2.2 英法对天津教案的交涉 23-26 3.2.3 斯卡奇科夫对天津教案的交涉 26-30 第4章 斯卡奇科夫与晚清中俄外交关系 30-36 4.1 斯卡奇科夫开展外交活动的背景 30-34 4.2 从斯卡奇科夫俄案交涉看沙俄外交 34-36 结论 36-38 参考文献 38-43 后记 43 |