摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 米哈伊尔·尼基佛罗维奇·卡特科夫(1818一1887)是俄国近代史上有名的出书家和思惟家,是19世纪下半期俄国守旧派思惟家的重要代表人物之一。他的出书物包含年夜型文学和政治学杂志《俄罗斯导报》,和1863年后转租给他自己的公众报纸《莫斯科消息报》。卡特科夫以为,铁路扶植是经济扶植的动身点和重要内容,力主推进国度加速铁路扶植。到19世纪80年月,俄语毕业论文,卡特科夫及其出书物则将私家铁路国有化视为处理铁路成绩的最重要措施。从19世纪50年月到80年月,卡特科夫一直将关税政策看做是调理国际临盆的重要办法。从19世纪50年月中期到70年月中期,卡特科夫及其出书物保持自在商业的政策,然则到80年月后强力履行关税掩护主义,并对亚历山年夜三世当局的经济政策发生了伟大的作用。卡特科夫的出书物在很长时光内将俄国的工人成绩与东方的工人成绩截然离开,强调俄国工人的特别性,强调东方的工人成绩临时不会在俄国涌现。他以为要经由过程司法和行政手腕对工场事务停止干涉,当局要充任工人与本钱家的中央人。卡特科夫以为俄国的村社轨制存在缺点,俄语论文范文,克制了自在竞争和权力认识,抑强扶弱的传统晦气于乡村经济的成长,所以主意破除村社。除村社体系体例之外,卡特科夫及其出书物还已经将税费累赘、酗酒和运营不善看做是农人贫苦的缘由,然则否定农人缺地。卡特科夫是独裁轨制经济政策的奠定人之一,然则他的不雅点有一个赓续变更的进程。卡特科夫其实不是愿望独裁国度完整走上东方式的成长途径,而是愿望将东方的成长形式和技巧手腕移植到俄国来为独裁国度办事。与其说独裁轨制应当顺应新的社会经济关系,不如说让这些关系顺应它、顺应它的须要。卡特科夫在80年月的社会经济思惟周全走向守旧化,与财务年夜臣。。本格之间睁开了剧烈的政治和思惟奋斗,终究迫使本格退休。 Abstract: Mikhail Nikifrovich Katkov (1818 a 1887) is a modern Russian history famous book thinkers and home, in the late 19th century half Russian conservative thinking of one of the most important representatives. His publications include large literature and Political Science magazine "Russian Herald", and 1863 sublet to his own public newspaper the Moscow News newspaper. Katkov thought, the railway construction is the starting point of economic development and the important content, advocated to promote the country accelerate railway construction. To 80 years of the 19th century, katkov and publications will be private railway nationalization as one of the most important methods for the treatment of railway performance. From nineteenth Century 50 years to 80 years, Katkov has been seen as an important way to adjust the tariff policy of international labor. From the mid 19th century in the 1950s to the mid 1970s, katkov and publications to maintain free trade policy, however to 80 years after the strong performance of tariff protectionism and economic policies of Alexander III authorities occurred great influence. Katkov books in a long time the Russian working achievement and Oriental workers results completely separate, emphasize the Russian workers particularly emphasized that workers in the East - Provisional result not appeared in Russia. He thought he was going to through judicial process and administrative means of factory affairs to stop interfering in, the authorities want to acted as workers and capitalists in the central. Katkov that Russian village rail system has some shortcomings, restrained the free competition and the right to know, the traditional bad luck on the growth of the rural economy, so the idea of getting rid of village community. In addition to the village community system style, katkov and publications also has tax burden, alcoholism and poor management is regarded as the reason of poor farmers, but negative farmers lack. Katkov is one of the authoritarian system of economic policy for people, but his point of view there is a constantly changing process. Katkov in fact is not the desire of the authoritarian state to complete the Oriental style of growth, but the desire to the east of the growth form and skills of the wrist to the transfer of the country to work for the authoritarian state. It is not so much the authoritarian system should be more responsive to the new social and economic relations than to make them conform to the new social and economic relations. Katkov in 80 years of social and economic thought in the round to the conservative, and the financial.. Between 2 to open a violent political and ideological struggle, eventually forcing Bengue retirement. 目录: 内容提要 4-5 中文摘要 5-7 Abstract 7-9 第一章 绪论 13-18 1.1 选题意义 13-14 1.2 国内外探讨近况略论 14-15 1.3 本文的探讨措施和写作思路 15-16 1.4 本文的创新与不足 16-18 第二章 M.H.卡特科夫及其出版物的基本情况 18-34 2.1 《俄罗斯导报》的创办 18-22 2.2 1863 年波兰起义与卡特科夫和《莫斯科新闻报》的崛起 22-26 2.3 作为保守派的卡特科夫及其出版物 26-34 第三章 M.H.卡特科夫论俄国的铁路建设 34-45 3.1 加快铁路建设 34-36 3.2 批判私人铁路建设模式的弊端,主张铁路国有化 36-45 3.2.1 俄国的铁路建设模式 36-38 3.2.2 卡特科夫的观点之一:反对私人铁路垄断,支持国家对铁路运价的干预 38-41 3.2.3 卡特科夫的观点之二:主张铁路国有化 41-45 第四章 从自由到保护:M.H.卡特科夫的工业发展思想 45-60 4.1 19 世纪 50-70 年代的自由贸易主张 45-53 4.1.1 卡特科夫的出版物对于自由贸易的基本观点及其思想渊源 46-48 4.1.2 卡特科夫及其出版物对自由贸易的论述暨俄国贸易政策的缓慢转向 48-53 4.2 19 世纪 80 年代:宣扬国家对工业的保护政策 53-60 4.2.1 卡特科夫保护主义经济思想的形成 53-54 4.2.2 卡特科夫在 19 世纪 80 年代为关税保护主义的斗争 54-58 4.2.3 19 世纪 80 年代卡特科夫对于国家扶持公司发展的思想 58-60 第五章 卡特科夫及其出版物与俄国的工人问题 60-68 5.1 俄国是否存在工人问题? 60-63 5.2 俄国工人问题的解决之道 63-65 5.3 卡特科夫及其出版物对俄国工人立法的态度 65-68 第六章 卡特科夫及其出版物与俄国的农民问题 68-79 6.1 卡特科夫及其出版物对村社问题的看法 68-74 6.1.1 村社土地所有制和管理体制的缺陷 68-69 6.1.2 村社体制对自由竞争和权利意识的抑制 69-70 6.1.3 村社体制抑强扶弱不利于经济发展 70-72 6.1.4 卡特科夫的观点对 19 世纪 60-70 年代村社体制改革的作用 72 6.1.5 19 世纪 80 年代卡特科夫及其出版物对村社的观点 72-74 6.2 卡特科夫及其出版物对农民贫困问题的看法 74-79 6.2.1 对农民税费问题的看法 74-76 6.2.2 对酗酒问题的看法 76-77 6.2.3 对农民缺地问题的看法 77-79 结论:卡特科夫社会经济思想的性质与作用 79-83 参考文献 83-91 后记 91-93 作者在攻读学位期间所取得的科研成果 93 |