摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 宗教与俄罗斯有着非常深挚的渊源,东正教自传入之时起至苏维埃政权树立前夜的长达九百余年的时光里也一向以国教自居,但是在这个东正教崇奉与俄罗斯崇奉几近仰融为一体的国度却在20世纪这个风云渐变的时代奇异地举起了社会主义的年夜旗,基于此,本文重要就无神论何故打破东正教的约束和无神论轨制下的宗教政策及东正教的命运停止商量。无神论在俄国切实其实立可以说是多种身分配合感化的成果,本文重要商量的是它若何凸起对俄国有侧重要作用的东正教的重围,俄语论文网站,这不只得益于俄国社会最原始的崇奉,还由于东正教本身的世俗性和与之相伴的附庸性和对象性。20世纪初,俄国反动如火如荼,处于反动大水当中的东正教会也遭受了史无前例的冲击,二月反动颠覆了其依靠的对象一沙皇独裁轨制,使其岌岌可危,俄语论文网站,十月反动更是完全推翻了其赖以存在的基本,位置江河日下。反动后重生的苏维埃政权确立了无神论的主导位置,在宗教政策上奉行政教分别,从此俄国的政教关系步入了政教对峙期,因为认识形状和立场的基本对峙,政教之间的奋斗成为一种必定,而这一政教关系下东正教的命运也是当局和教会两个主体配合感化的成果。 Abstract: Religion and Russia has a very deep and sincere origin, orthodox since the introduction of the play to the Soviet regime set on the eve of the long nine hundred years of time always to the country teach itself, but in the Orthodox worship and the Russian religion almost Rong for one of the country but in the 20th century the gradual change of the times, strange raised socialist big flag. Based on this, this article focuses on atheism somehow break the orthodox constraints and atheism rail of the religious policy and the Orthodox Eastern Church fate stop to discuss. Atheism in Russia and in fact made can be said to be a variety of element by combined action result. This paper discuss is how it raised in Russia is the tight encirclement of the important influence of the Eastern Orthodox Church, which not only benefit to the Russian society of the most primitive beliefs, but also because of the orthodox secular and associated with the client and object of. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian Revolution in full swing in reactionary flood of the Orthodox Church has also suffered the unprecedented impact, the February Revolution subversion of the its object to rely on the Tsar's autocratic system of rail, the precarious, the October Revolution is completely reversed the existence of the basic position deteriorate. Revolution in the rebirth of the Soviet regime established atheism in the dominant position, in the religious policy serve administrative taught separately, from the relations of Russian politics entered the political confrontation period, because the understanding of shape and position of confrontation and the struggle between church and state became a necessity, and the relationship between politics and religion orthodox as well as the fate of the authorities and the church two subjects of the combined action result. 目录: 摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 引言 6-11 一、问题由来及选题意义 6 二、文献综述 6-10 三、本文的探讨特点和结构 10-11 第一章 俄国的东正教与东正教的俄国 11-16 第一节 俄国引入东正教 11-12 第二节 对历史上俄国政教关系的回顾 12-13 第三节 历史上俄国政教关系的特点 13-14 第四节 东正教之于俄国 14-16 第二章 无神论在俄国的确立 16-21 第一节 第三罗马帝国--第三国际 16 第二节 无神论在俄国何以冲破宗教信仰的束缚 16-18 一、俄国灵魂深处的信仰 16-17 二、世俗的俄国东正教信仰 17-18 第三节 革命使无神论突出东正教的重围 18-20 一、1905年革命与东正教 18-19 二、二月革命与东正教 19 三、十月革命与东正教 19-20 第四节 东正教受到的冲击 20-21 第三章 无神论意识形态下的宗教政策与东正教的命运 21-31 第一节 列宁时期的宗教政策 21-25 一、列宁在宗教问题上的思想主张 21-23 二、列宁的宗教管理政策 23-25 第二节 斯大林的宗教政策 25-27 一、斯大林的宗教政策在法学上的体现 25-26 二、斯大林的反宗教运动 26-27 第三节 无神论意识形态下东正教的命运 27-29 一、东正教会的组织状况 27-28 二、东正教会的生存状况 28-29 第四节 国际社会的反应 29-31 第四章 对苏维埃政权初期政教关系的思考 31-34 第一节 对苏维埃政权初期的宗教政策的理解 31-32 第二节 对苏维埃政权初期东正教命运的反思 32-34 结语 34-36 注释 36-39 参考文献 39-42 后记 42-43 |