摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 1920年12月苏维埃第八次代表年夜会同意了俄罗斯国度电气化筹划。列宁把这一筹划称之为俄共(布)的“第二个党纲”。在列宁看来,经济文明绝对落伍的小农国度要停止社会主义扶植就必需完成电气化,电气化是社会主义经济扶植的主要物资基本。俄共(布)的“第二个党纲”,不单是纯洁的成长电力的筹划,而是触及到经济文明绝对落伍的小农国度若何扶植社会主义的成绩。笔者从俄国其时经济文明较为落伍的现状动身,从它与社会主义本应树立在较为先辈的经济基本之上的抵触动手,以俄国经济文明的绝对落伍与世界先辈科技之间的差距为配景,俄语论文范文,和俄国工资解脱落伍面孔所停止的改造测验考试,体系论证了俄共(布)“第二个党纲”提出的主要性和准确性。从而得出看重科技、走以先辈科技为龙头带动全部经济成长的社会主义扶植途径在现代仍有主要价值的结论。笔者以为在我国社会主义古代化扶植理论中,我们仍应高度看重科技的力气,俄语论文题目,并以此为导向走新型工业化的途径。 Abstract: In December 1920 the Soviet Union on behalf of the eighth major will agree with the Russian national electrical planning. Lenin put this plan called the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) "the second program". In Lenin's view, the economic civilization is absolutely out of the small peasant countries to stop the construction of the socialist must complete electrification, electrification is the main material of the socialist economic construction. The Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) "the second program" is not only a pure growth of power planning, but also involves the economic civilization behind the small country how to foster the absolute socialist achievements. From the time the current situation of Russian economic civilization is outdated, it should set up the socialism and from in the relatively advanced economy basic on the conflict between Russia to begin, economic civilization and world advanced science and technology is relatively backward in the gap in the background, and Russia faces stop behind wage free transformation test, demonstration system the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik) "and the accuracy of the second program" of. Thus it concludes that the value of science and technology, the advanced science and technology as the leading socialist construction of all the economic growth in the modern still have the main value of the conclusion. The author thinks that in our country, the theory of the socialist modernization, we should attach importance to the strength of science and technology, and the way to take the new industrialization. 目录: 中文摘要 4-5 ABSTRACT 5-6 引言 8-10 一、“第二个党纲”提出的背景 10-16 (一) 俄国的落后与欧美的崛起 10-12 (二) 科技革命的推动 12-13 (三) 马克思主义科技观的发展 13-16 二、“第二个党纲”的主要内容 16-28 (一) 提出过程 17-19 (二) 主要内容 19-21 (三) 具体实施 21-24 (四) 历史地位及其影响 24-28 三、“第二个党纲”的当代价值 28-41 (一) 社会主义建设要以最新的科技为统领 28-33 (二) 提升国民的科技素养 33-36 (三) 以先进科技为导向创建新型工业化道路 36-41 结束语 41-42 参考文献 42-45 致谢 45 |