
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



De Merejkovski is the actual founder of the Russian literary faction. This group is one of the important factions of Russian literature in the late twentieth Century and early nineteenth Century, which is the "silver period" of Russian literature. In 1892 Mei's "in modern Russian literature, but the reason and the new trend of thought of" a text is literary historians as "means" Declaration ". At the beginning of the 20th century Russian ancient school of literature towards Mei's in the Manifesto of the Zhuo far view point of people who tend to grow up, that literature is in Russian growth for a strong "characteristics of art". However, Merejkovski is a literary tide more and more far, no become strong literary sect, and the "striker" by Russia sent ancient literature as offbeat and alien, as he continued to deepen his symbolism, and religious philosophy category at the beginning of twentieth Century, the energy renewal activities together and given the symbolism to the peculiar meaning, so it has a religious moral philosophy color and world outlook, and in order to create their own practice of lifelong symbolism idea, formed its own unique narrative style that the main meaning, "Christ and anti Christ" trilogy that is equal to its narrative representation for. But this kind of means the narrative and is not a kind of pure narrative style, which shows a new energy for one kind of religious spirit of seeking, so it is called "Religious Novels", to Russia and the Social Novels "and" city residents novel nearly "dialogue, debate format. It means that the narrative shows his religious philosophy, that is, the growth of human history, Shi Qishi is a history of the struggle of the spirit of Christ and anti Christ. The theme of this trilogy is the reaction of the history of Christianity, this "history" refers to the history of the world, including all centuries, all ethnic and cultural history, perhaps that is, including all the history. Trilogy via process of typical historical figures a Roman king Urien, arts and Sciences Jun Wang Da Finch, the Russian emperor Peter and crown prince a performance the spirit of religion that narrative, Europe and Russia or even the whole human history growth classified into Christianity and polytheism and the spirit and the flesh and the struggle process to be reviewed, which means the significance of human historical development. Mei's thought comedy of the history and the destiny of mankind is man has always been in Christianity and polytheism and the spirit and the flesh of confrontation struggle among, and cannot merge the two together. In his heart full of reality merged the two meaning of Jesus, the son of God, energy seeking and beliefs according to this, he established itself peculiar "new Christian thought. This "new Christian" thought, or "new energy philosophy" and "social novel" and "the city" s novels, the expression of positivism and utilitarianism to seek the same form of dialogue and debate. So melezhkovski means of narration and expression of energy, in the literature on beyond the social fiction and city residents novels as the idle and dimensions of vigor, in terms of ideology constitute and reactionary plain near the main doctrine and plain nearly pure thoughts of dental work. Debate on the J doctrine and the positive energy and hang scale. At the same time, his thought of new Christian to Russia's authoritarian rail system, national rail system, the secular church and secular reactionary constitute the criticism of powerful strength, reveals a sociopolitical reactionary religious revolution will bring human society of real freedom, equal to. Nevertheless, melezhkovski life of religious philosophy exploration, after all, is the point of a "social purpose" and his "heaven of truth" and "the truth", "spirit" and "flesh" the fusion of the philosophy of religion is a kind of the future design of social life, is still on social objectives, for the design of a kind of ego fantasy, faith in humanity is bound to find the road leading to the same way, so strange is the idealistic Utopia. However, "two true one by one on the sky and on the ground one by one already in Jesus Christ, the son of God fusion in a way ', the Christ new inventions and new fusion, overcome the" spirit "and" flesh "the thought forms of binary confrontation, to make human beings out of itself has always been no escape from the north and South Pole confrontation and paradox. The significance of Mei's "new Christian thought may in fact, is not it is feasible, still Utopia, but in him from Tuo Si Toy Bernard J J Ki closed ancient start, is a renewed vigor; is start from the philosophy of religion from the review history and several revolutions, the invention of the authoritarian system, secular state, secular reactionary religious essence from, to overcome the fear of all worldly power, dispelling the" divine right of kings "myth, make the human spirit to a more magnanimous environment. Melezhkovski more surprising is that, in his life ceaselessly "pursuit of the essence of God" in the process, not to preach, not recruit apprentice, don't follow, do not provide true and only wishes fellow volunteers and a fumble essence and

