摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 亚历山年夜·伊万诺维奇·库普林是俄国有名的实际主义作家。他继续了俄罗文雅学平易近主主义与人性主义传统,对古代生涯中具有急切实际意义的成绩异常敏感。库普林作为眼光灵敏、孳孳不倦的生涯不雅察者,具有丰硕的生涯沉淀。他再现了社会风气活泼鲜活的层面和来自下流社会、常识界、社会底层人们五花八门的类型,在他作风光鲜、特点独具的文学著作中普遍地反应出19世纪末20世纪初俄国社会各界及分歧阶层的生涯面孔。库普林小说构造严整,叙事手段奇特。时至昔日,他的创作已日趋获得文学研究者和评论家的喜爱,俄语论文网站,但鲜有文章从叙事学角度阐述库普林小说的叙事艺术,这不掉为一种遗憾。故本论文将以叙事学为根本实际,在解读文本、剖析著作的基本上,采取社会汗青批驳、传统小说批驳和文学史研究等办法,从话语(叙事文本表达的情势)和故事(叙事文本内容的情势)两个层面研究库普林小说的叙事艺术,力争填补这方面的空白,这是本论文论述的动身点和意义地点。全文共分五个部门绪论部门重要引见库普林文学创作的特色和叙事技能,总结国际外研究现状,俄语论文,并提出本文所要商量的论题。第一章从库普林小说创作的“真实不雅”和“品德不雅”准绳动身,阐述库普林创作的艺术特色。第二章从叙事著作的话语层面解读库普林小说在叙事时光、叙工作境和叙事声响方面的特点。第三章从叙事著作的故事层面剖析库普林小说在叙事构造和人物方面的特点。结语部门总结全文,归纳综合库普林小说创作的艺术特色和叙事学特点,点明库普林奇特的叙事艺术对于俄国文学创作的价值和意义。库普林的小说著作是俄罗斯白银时期文学宝库中一颗绮丽的明珠,包含了本身诸多的审美认知价值。周全体系地研究与总结库普林小说的叙事艺术特色,有助于我们更好地舆解作家的创风格格及其著作的文学价值。 Abstract: Alessandra Ivanovich Kuprin is a famous writer in Russia. He went on to the Russian elegant plain near the main doctrine and humanism tradition and ancient career has urgent practical significance of the results extremely sensitive. Kuplin as vision sensitive, diligent career observer, with fruitful career precipitation. He reproduced the social atmosphere lively level and from social, community knowledge, the people at the bottom of the society a variety of types of ribaldry. His style is bright, the unique characteristics of the literary works generally reflect at the end of the 19th century and early 20th century Russian society from all walks of life and different classes of career face. His novel structure presented a peculiar narrative means. Today, his creation has been increasingly obtain literary researchers and critics alike, but few articles from the narrative perspective on kyprin's novels narrative art, this is a kind of regret. So the will to narrative study for basic theory, in the interpretation of text, analysis of works on the basis of, take the social history criticism, traditional novel criticism and literary history research and measures, from the expression of Discourse (text narrative situation and the story situation of narrative text. Two levels to study the Kuprin novel narrative art, trying to fill this blank, which is discussed in this paper the starting point and the meaning. The full text is divided into five parts, the introduction important introduction Kuprin literary creation characteristic and the narrative skills, summing up at home and abroad and the research status, and puts forward the topic of this paper is to discuss. The first chapter from kyprin's Novels "real indecent" and "moral indecency" principle, expounds the artistic characteristics of his works. The second chapter from the narrative discourse interpretation of his novels in the narrative time, narrative work environment and narrative voice. The characteristics of the third chapter from narrative story level analysis on narrative structure and character of his aspect. Conclusion summarizes the full text, summed up comprehensive Kuprin novels artistic feature and the narrative characteristics, pointed out the Kuprin peculiar narrative art about Russian literature creation of value and significance. Kyprin's novels is the Russian Silver age literature treasure house in a beautiful pearl, contains in itself a lot of aesthetic cognitive value. Comprehensive system research and summarized the features of kyprin's novels narrative art, help us better geography solution writers create wind Princess and works of literary value. 目录: 摘要 3 外文摘要 4-8 绪论 8-13 国内外库普林著作译介及探讨状况 9-12 探讨措施与探讨目的 12-13 1 库普林小说创作的艺术特点 13-22 1.1 库普林小说故事的真实性 14-18 1.2 库普林创作的人道主义道德观 18-22 2 从话语层面解读库普林小说的叙事艺术 22-42 2.1 叙事时间 23-30 2.1.1 时序 23-26 2.1.2 时距 26-29 2.1.3 频率 29-30 2.2 叙事情境 30-38 2.2.1 灵活多变的叙事人称 31-34 2.2.2 形式繁多的叙事聚焦 34-35 2.2.3 变换使用的叙事方式 35-38 2.3 叙事声音 38-42 3 从故事层面赏析库普林小说的叙事艺术 42-50 3.1 叙事结构 42-46 3.1.1 因果线性结构 42-43 3.1.2 矛盾对应结构 43-44 3.1.3 原点扩散结构 44 3.1.4 心理流动结构 44-45 3.1.5 模块连缀结构 45-46 3.2 人物 46-50 3.2.1 动力推进型人物 46-47 3.2.2 障碍制造型人物 47-48 3.2.3 辅助催化型人物 48 3.2.4 结果诱发型人物 48-50 结语 50-51 参考文献 51-55 致谢 55 |