
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Rachmaninoff is one of the Russian romantic composer and pianist, but also family instructions. "Ideal" essays Op. 3 is the creation of Rachmaninoff's first piano ensemble works, including five songs, each of the first songs style severally contain. Although this is the composer works at piano ensemble, but Rachmaninoff later piano works creation style has laid a solid foundation. At the same time, because it covers a lot of playing skills, from piano playing and teaching bias angle set out, without losing the as for playing the piano and learning, the precise control of Rachmaninoff all musical style and playing characteristics of a classic works, it has high research significance. In this paper, through the process of "ideal" Op essays of Rachmaninoff. 3 analysis research, which discusses the whole music style foundation and growth, and the playing techniques of the music style of the master record.


中文摘要   4   Abstract   4   引言   5-8   上篇   8-21       第一节 拉赫玛尼诺夫整体音乐风格的成因   8-10       第二节 《幻想小品集》Op.3 体裁特征的奠定与发展   10-12       第三节 《幻想小品集》Op.3 的体裁特征及演奏情绪提要   12-16       第四节 《幻想小品集》Op.3 音乐语言的贯穿与演奏所需的形象联想   16-21   下篇   21-33       第一节 旋律   21-24       第二节 特征音型   24-27       第三节 音程与和弦   27-29       第四节 结构力度层次的对比与音响效果   29-33   结语   33-34   主要参考作品及文献   34-36   附录   36-38  
