
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19

马克思在他性命的傍,掉臂年老体衰、肩负引导国际共产主义活动的重担,在《本钱论》还没有完成的情形下,一头钻进人类学和汗青学的艰难众多的研究中,俄语毕业论文,从而睁开了对本身先前学说(期唯物史不雅)的深邃深挚反思。惹起暮年马克思反思的缘由是甚么,马克思在暮年反思中有甚么严重发明,这些发明对扶植有中国特点社会主义有甚么意义?本文恰是就以上成绩提出了本身的一点深刻熟悉。文章共分三部门:第一部门,暮年马克思对晚期唯物史不雅反思缘由剖析。马克思暮年因为本钱主义列国资产阶层统治政策的调剂、经济危机迸发涌现新的特色及无产阶层奋斗堕入“窘境”,唯物史不雅遭到严重挑衅;而此时西欧文明人类学进入繁华时代进一步裸露了唯物史不雅的缺点并为它的完美带来契机。马克思逐步熟悉到,鉴于人类汗青的庞杂性,俄语专业论文,纯真依附逻辑推理是不克不及迷信解释汗青的,必需依附于实证的汗青剖析研究才获得迷信的解释。为此,暮年多病的马克思临时放下《本钱论》的写作,睁开了对史前社会及人类社会各个汗青阶段艰难众多的研究论证。随同着东方反动的沉静,俄国反动低落起来,在俄公民粹派反动者的几回再三要求下,马克思研究了俄国乡村公社的前程成绩。第二部门,暮年马克思唯物史不雅的新发明。在对摩尔根等人类学家科研结果研究的基本上,马克思弄清了人类社会本身的临盆在史前社会具有决议性感化,熟悉到氏族早于个别家庭,是人类社会最早的组织情势并用原始社会代替亚细亚临盆措施作为人类社会的原始状况,处理了多年来困扰他的“人类社会从何处而来”的成绩;因为弄清了人类社会的终点成绩,对公有制临时性的论证也就树立在迷信的基本上了;经由过程对俄国乡村公社命运的深刻研究,马克思把他早年在《本钱论》中对于本钱主义来源的描写限于西欧,提出俄国乡村公社可以逾越本钱主义“卡夫丁峡谷”的假想;在对史前社会和西方乡村公社研究的基本上,马克暮年马克思唯物史不雅的新发明—一思修改了 19世纪50年月末他在《政治经济学批评》序文中对于人类社会成长途径(即五阶段论)的单线成长形式,进一步完美了社会形状实际。第三部门,暮年马克思唯物史不雅的新发明与有中国特点社会主义。暮年马克思唯物史不雅的新发明,表示了马克思主义经典作家在理论眼前不猛攻己有的实际,跟着理论的成长赓续停止实际立异的反动精力和迷信精力。暮年马克思唯物史不雅的新发明是我们停止有中国特点社会主义事业名贵的精力财富。暮年马克思在深化、成长和完美唯物史不雅进程中表现出来的迷信精力、理论精力和反动精力,为我们在社会主义古代化扶植进程中否决教条主义、改造立异供给了精力动力;暮年马克思对公有制汗青临时性的迷信论证和对俄国乡村公社特别成长途径的摸索为我国的社会主义反动和扶植供给了实际根据,这对于否决现代各类反社会主义思潮、果断人类对共产主义的崇奉都具有主要的意义;暮年马克思在商量俄国乡村公社逾越本钱主义能够性和前提时对于汲取本钱主义一切确定结果的阐述,为我国保持并进一步对外开放供给了实际指南;暮年马克思唯物史不雅的新发明告知我们,经济文明落伍国度反动成功后必需保持以经济扶植为中间。从而,为中国共产党在社会主义低级阶段“一个中间,两个根本点”的根本道路找到了思惟渊源。在常识经济初露眉目、全球化海潮囊括而来、国际共产主义活动临时处于高潮、蓬勃本钱主义国度经济和科技文明不可一世的时期配景下,有中国特点社会主义只要在赓续立异中能力求得生计和稳固、连续成长。而暮年马克思唯物史不雅的新发明所赐与我们的,不啻是又一次思惟束缚。它在多方面赞助我们解脱教条主义和本本主义,回到以理论为磨练真谛的独一尺度的马克思主义老路下去。“回到马克思”,在保持马克思对于杜会主义根本价值不雅的基本上,赓续束缚临盆力,成长临盆力,把中国扶植成为一个强盛、平易近主、文明的社会主义强国,这就是本文的宗旨地点。


Marx in the evening of his life, drop arm old and frail, shoulder to guide the burden of the international communist movement. In "on capital" has not been completed under, a head drilling Seigaku of Anthropology and sweat of many difficult research, to open the itself of the previous theory (late period of materialist History) deep reflection. Cause Twilight Marx reflection of reason is what Marx in the twilight years of reflection have what serious invention, the invention of construction with Chinese characteristics socialism is what meaning? In this paper, the above results are put forward a little deep knowledge of their own. The article is divided into three parts: the first part, old Marx of the late history materialism reflection analysis. Marx's Twilight because capitalist nations bourgeois rule policy adjustment, the economic crisis burst emerge new features and no middle class struggle to fall into the "dilemma", the materialist conception of history was serious provocation; and at the same time of Western civilization anthropology into prosperous time further exposed the shortcomings of materialist conception of history and to bring it to perfection. Marx gradually realized that, in view of the complexity of human history, pure dependent logic reasoning is not able to explain the history of science, and must be attached to the empirical analysis of historical studies to get a scientific explanation. Therefore, Marx Twilight sickly temporary down "on capital" of writing, open the prehistoric society and human society in different historical stages of difficult many discussion. Along with the Oriental reactionary, quiet and Russian reactionary low rise, in the Russian citizens Cui reactionaries who several times repeated requests, Marx studied the Russian rural commune future achievements. The second sector, new inventions in the history materialism of Marx. In the discussion of the research results, the anthropologist Morgan basically, Marx clarify the human society itself has made the decisive role in prehistoric society, familiar to the clan as early as the individual family, is the earliest form of organization of human society and the method of the basin as Asia instead of human society's original condition with the primitive society, processing for many years to haunt his "human society where you came from" because it results; the end result of human society, the public ownership of temporary demonstration set in superstition basically; through deep research on the Russian rural commune of fate, Marx put him in the early years of "capital theory" of capital "source description limited to Western Europe, the Russian rural commune can be imagined beyond the capitalist Furcae Caudinae; in prehistoric society and Western Xiang The village commune research basically, the twilight years of the mark of Marxist materialist history new invention - a Si modified 50 years at the end of the 19th century he in the critique of political economy "the preface on the human social development way (i.e., the five stage theory of single growth form, and further perfect the social actual shape. The third sector, new inventions in the history of Marx materialism and socialism with China characteristics. New invention in the twilight of Marxist materialist history, said the Marxist classical writers in the sight of the theory not onslaught has some practical and follow the theory of growth continuously stop practical innovation of revolutionary spirit and scientific spirit. The new invention in the history of the materialism of Marx is that we have to stop the cause of socialism with China characteristics of precious spiritual wealth. Old Marx in the show, deepen and perfect the materialistic history growth in the process of energy, energy and reactionary superstition theory for energy, we reject doctrinairism, reform and innovation in the modern socialist construction in the process of energy power supply; Marx years of public ownership history of temporary scientific proof of Russian rural commune and special growth way of exploration as China's socialist revolution and construction provides a theoretical basis on this, rejected all kinds of modern anti socialist thoughts, decisive human to communism beliefs have important significance in Marx; to discuss Russian rural commune beyond capitalism and on the premise to learn all the capitalist to determine the result of the paper, for our country maintain and provide a practical guide for further opening in the history of materialism; Marx The new invention tells us that the economic civilization behind the reactionary success of the state must be maintained in the middle of the economic support. Thus, for the Chinese Communist Party in the lower stage of socialism, "a middle, two fundamental point" of the basic path to find the source of thought. Include the tide of globalization and knowledge economy arises, the international communist movement in temporary climax, booming capitalist country economy and science and technology civilization mighty period background, Chinese characteristic socialism as long as in the ceaseless innovation ability to seek livelihoods and steady and continuous growth. The new invention in the history materialism of Marx gave to us, it is again thinking bound. It in sponsorship to free ourselves from the dogmatism and bookishness, back to theory to hone the essence of the sole criterion for Marxist old down. "Go back to Marx", to maintain in Marx Du fundamental value of the doctrine of indecent basically, gengxu bound to give birth, the growth of productivity, the China Construction to become a strong and prosperous, democratic and civilized socialist country, which

