
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19

俄罗斯自上而下的地盘改造是依附司法来推进和完美的,同时改造也在赓续磨练司法的可行性,俄语毕业论文,修改司法的欠妥的地方。地盘公有化改造获得的造诣为本文的研究供给契机。本文共四章,分离考核俄罗斯地盘一切制和地盘私家一切权的汗青演化,剖析并概述新俄罗斯地盘公有化的过程和改造绩效,具体剖析新俄罗斯私家地盘权力司法轨制的内容、胜利的地方和缺乏的处所,以期对我领土地立法供给主要的启发和赞助。 地盘一切权轨制与中国“三农”成绩有着慎密的接洽,现阶段就中国的国情来讲地盘一切权轨制不只主要,并且是热门成绩。新俄罗斯是苏联最年夜的继续国。中国同苏联和新俄罗斯有着异常类似的曩昔和千丝万缕的接洽。对主要邻邦对于私家地盘一切制司法停止深刻的商量和剖析,可认为构建合适中国国情的地盘一切权轨制供给实际参考。 在俄罗斯汗青上村社被称为“俄罗斯精力”,村社是农人临盆和生涯的重要场合,能知足农人的根本生计权,强化了农人对村社的人生依靠性。在村社基本上构成的村社地盘占领轨制成了俄国农业和乡村古代化的妨碍,是俄国历次地盘改造的重要对象。但村社文明的作用具有汗青惯性,在必定水平会消解新俄罗斯地盘公有化改造所展现的意义。开端于1991年的俄罗斯地盘公有化改造,从1999年开端农业经济在支付沉痛的价值后逐步苏醒,食粮产量增加较快。可以说地盘公有化的结果初见眉目。随同地盘公有化改造的成长,各部分法都史无前例地强化对国民地盘公有产业的掩护。但鉴于地盘之上共存着资本与产业属性,进入 21 世纪后,俄罗斯的地盘立法涌现了严重变更,司法明白划定地盘既是天然资本同时又是不动产,是以俄罗斯的地盘立法不只掩护地盘一切者的正当权力,同时也付与了地盘一切人掩护地盘资本的责任。因为新俄罗斯地盘公有化过程弗成逆转,所以司法对地盘公有产业的掩护不会终止,但私家地盘一切权应当遭到恰当的限制。 在史论联合,论从史出的基本上,本文彩取汗青论述的办法,剖析的办法,体系研究的办法和实证等研究办法。


Russia's top-down land transformation is attachment of justice to promote and perfect the. At the same time, the transformation in continuously hone judicial feasibility, modify the defect of judicial. The achievements of the transformation of land owned by the land is an opportunity for the research of this article. This paper consists of four chapters, separation and appraisal all Russian site all system and land private right of history evolution, analysis and an overview of new Russian land public ownership of the means of production process and performance of transformation, specific analysis of the contents of the new Russian private sites of judicial power rail system, the victory of the place and the lack of a place, in order to me brought on the legislation of land supply the main inspiration and sponsorship. Site all right rail system and China's "three rural" performance has a rigorous approached, at this stage is China site all the right track of not only the main and popular achievement. New Russia is the biggest country in the Soviet Union. China with the Soviet Union and the new Russia has a similar past and inextricably linked. The main neighbors for deep discussion and analysis of private sites all judicial, believes that the construction of appropriate reference to the actual situation of China site all right rail supply system. In the history of the Russian village known as "Russian energy", the village is important places where farmers production and life, can satisfy farmers basic living rights, strengthen the farmer of the village life dependent. In the village, the village community is basically formed by the occupation of the village sites into the Russian agriculture and rural modernization of the obstacles, is an important object of the transformation of Russia's previous sites. But the impact of the village community civilization has historical inertia, in a certain level will be able to digest the new Russian land public transformation of the significance of the show. Beginning in 1991 the Russian territory of socialization, from the 1999 start agricultural economy after paid a painful price gradually waking up, food production increased rapidly. Can be said that the result of the initial shape of public land. Along with the growth of the public sector of the land, all parts of law have an unprecedented strengthening of the protection of public industry in the national territory. But in view of the above sites co-exist with capital and industrial property, after entering the 21st century, Russia's land legislation emerged serious change, judicial clearly defined territory is not only the natural capital and real estate, is to Russia's land legislation not only cover the site all the power, but also has given site all screen territory capital of responsibility. Because the process of the new Russian land privatization is not reversed, so the judicial protection of public ownership of the site will not be terminated, but all the rights of private land should be subject to appropriate restrictions. In history, from the history of basically, the color take history deals with the theory, analysis method, systematic research method and empirical research methods.

