
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Afghanistan's position is very important in this region, so the country has always been concerned about this place. Two hundred years ago, the capital of the Russian and British capital to master this place, and later they are in favor of the two countries as a buffer between the two countries. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979, the completion of the Russian invasion of Russia before the delusion. After the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Afghanistan and creates instruments party infighting in a very important place, as both sides concern hot. But the Soviet Union met with the brave Afghan National stubborn resistance. In Afghanistan's national defense against the invasion of the Soviet era, the Afghan Islamic Jihad is the Afghan national defense against the Soviet union. The Soviet Union could not leave Afghanistan in 1989, with the help of the holy war and the East. The Soviet Union to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan, especially after the collapse of the Soviet Union, western countries should be continued to support the Afghan people. However, they not only didn't support the Afghan, but neglect, Afghanistan became "the forgotten place", Oriental complete neglect in Afghanistan people concern and demands. There were a lot of work in Afghanistan, the civil war, the Taliban, the intervention and many people lost their lives, but the Afghan people did not receive the sympathy and support they deserved. Afghan nationals in against the Soviet Union although made a big sacrifice, but has not completed after the war and stability, and other country in particular is oriental country in Afghanistan to fight the Soviet Union but gets the benefits they need. However in the Central Asian nation invention of oil and natural gas, Afghanistan has become the core of American and Oriental concern, their purpose is to Turkmenistan and other Central Asian countries of oil and natural gas walks to Pakistan via Afghanistan, and then sold to the world market. September 11 matters, the United States won the exceptionally good chance to attack terrorism for words, invasion of Afghanistan, is still in Afghanistan and its neighbors set military base, can be in accordance with his plan and purpose of ceaseless expansion in the region and in the neighbouring countries.


摘要   4-5   Abstracts   5   前言   6-7   第一章 “9.11”事件前,美国对阿富汗的政策   7-21       一、苏联入侵阿富汗后美国的反应   7-12           (一) 苏联入侵阿富汗   7-8           (二) 卡特政府的反应   8-10           (三) 里根政府对阿富汗政策   10-12       二、苏联撤军后美国的政策   12-19           (一) 苏联从阿富汗撤军   12-14           (二) 阿富汗伊斯兰国成立与阿富汗态度   14-17           (三) 阿富汗内战的爆发及其原因   17-19       三、塔利班的崛起因缘   19-21   第二章 9·11事件后,美国发动阿富汗战争   21-27       一、美国发动阿富汗战争前的准备   22-25           (一) 搜集情报   22-24           (二) 支持反塔利班的武装--北方联盟   24-25       二、战争时期的外交政策   25-26       三、美国发动阿富汗战争   26-27   第三章 阿富汗新政府的诞生与美国的政策   27-35       一、阿富汗新政府的诞生   27-29       二、美国对阿富汗新政府的政策   29-35           (一) 政治利益和目标   29-31           (二) 美国在中亚地区的政策   31-32           (三) 能源政策   32-35   结语   35-36   参考文献及资料   36-40   致谢   40  
