
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Based on the summary of the study of the people, in order to Tonghua city as an example, from the perspective of administrative management, the paper focuses on the achievements of China's booming areas in the field of mining, and the reasons for these achievements, through the process of foreign experience and practice, combined with the actual situation in China, put forward their own proposals. The first section introduces the concept and characteristics of the mine, and gives the main significance of the protection of the mine. The second sector, focusing on the status of Tonghua City, the status quo and the protection of the mine's achievements, summed up the situation in the region to flourish under the cover of the situation, and in the light of these results for the reason to stop the analysis. The third sector, in order to better stop the situation, we introduced the United Kingdom, the United States, Russia, Australia, Leah and other countries in the protection of the use of mining methods, and analysis of our inspiration. The fourth sector, the United States and the United States, from the central authorities and local authorities at all levels of the two perspectives on how to play the role of the protection of public governance in the role of the economic growth and the situation between the clean room to stop the equilibrium, the temptation to public and enterprises to go on the path of continuous growth proposed by itself.


内容提要   4-6   导论   6-10   一、欠发达地区矿山环境保护的涵义、特征与意义   10-17       (一) 矿山环境保护的涵义   10-11       (二) 欠发达地区矿山环境保护的特征   11-13       (三) 欠发达地区矿山环境保护的意义   13-17   二、欠发达地区矿山环境保护近况   17-23       (一) 通化市矿山环境保护存在的问题   17-19       (二) 欠发达地区矿山环境保护存在的问题   19-20       (三) 欠发达地区矿山环境保护存在问题的原因略论   20-23   三、国外矿山环境保护的方法与启示   23-29       (一) 国外矿山环境保护的主要方法   23-27       (二) 国外矿山环境保护的启示   27-29   四、加强欠发达地区矿山环境保护的对策   29-39       (一) 中央政府大力支持地方各级政府进行环境治理   29-34       (二) 地方各级政府进行环境保护所要注意的几条准则   34-39   结论   39-40   参考文献   40-44   后记   44-45   论文摘要(中文)   45-47   论文摘要(英文)   47-49  
