
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



As a professional warriors Cossack is Russian history on a particular social class, the military class is a Slavic world most arouses attention, has always been the cause of Chinese and foreign scholars concern. International Seminar on Russian Cossacks are more common in some literature works, it is important to describing the Cossack performance or analysis of the Cossack figure temperament. Long-term since, the international on the title of "Cossack" compared to familiar with, but about Russia this peculiar history scene but know very little. Based on this, the author intends to sources of Russian Cossacks, growth, decline and in Russian history effect carries on the preliminary discussion, which is the starting point of this thesis. The fundamental point is the Cossacks first as "comfortable" emerged in the 15th century of the southern Russian steppe to hunting, fishing and arresting the past favorable for a living, then gradually by region constitute a free and autonomous and military village. Until the first half of seventeenth Century, the society always insisted their semi independence and autonomy status. In the second half of the 17th century, Russia recognized the autonomy of the Cossacks, Cossacks gradually from the military village farmers in exile changed into attached to the Russian State "mercenaries." Along with the expansion of 18th century Russian National Center for centralized growth and serfdom, Cossack carved by the rights belong to the Tsarist authorities rule under, gradually change into Russian state of a understand privileges and responsibilities of the military class, tsars used, as the main object against rape and land expansion of. Nevertheless, when their privileges by occupation, they will rise up against, as the peasant uprising of the proposer and focus efforts. Every time after the failure of the uprising, the autonomous Cossack also greatly weakened the position. In the 19th century a series of military transformation method of implementation of decommissioning costs makes the Cossacks and the rapid growth, Cossack family economy gradually decline, to the latter half of the 19th century, the Cossack class to decline. In 1920, the Soviet authorities announced to cancel the privileges of Cossack rule, the Cossacks as a special class of samurai ceased to exist. Russian Center centralization of state power has been enhanced process is a process which lead to the decline of the Russian Cossacks freedom, which are the main thread of Cossack history, development. In the 500 years of history, the border of Russia, expanding political growth has had an important impact. In this paper, the etymology of the word "Cossack" to start, combing the Russian Cossacks from the occurrence, growth until the decline of the whole process and in the history of Russian history effect to carry on the analysis. Detailed contains four parts. The first part, occurrence of Russian cossacks. Through the analysis of the process of different scholars the etymology of the word "Cossack", Cossacks emergence time of different understanding to define the Cossacks of the word meaning, analysis of Cossack special natural geographical conditions and unique historical background. The second sector, social economic structure, the Russian Cossack movement and life custom. The third sector, the evolutionary relationship between the Cossacks and the tsars. Through the analysis of the process of the Cossacks and the tsars in different age changes of the relationship, indicating that the Cossack how from farmers in exile organization change into Russia's

