
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Russia is the world's land area the biggest country, Chinese thing in the world third the biggest country territory area. The two countries rich minerals and has the characteristic of the region of capital goods, coupled with the interaction between the two countries is good neighbors, will promote the growth of Sino Russian border trade. Russia border trade between the two countries has a long history, on both sides of the mutually beneficial economic cooperation and enhance the bilateral friendly and good neighborly relations, enhance the bilateral goods flowing and economic increase is a major sector of the globalization of the world economy growth. The Sino Russian business growth to promote bilateral border border business logistics development. In this paper, through the process of study of Sino Russian trade growth process, summarizing the status of Frontier business logistics development, the infrastructure of business logistics between the two countries to stop a detailed discussion. In this paper, the research on bilateral trade mode of transport logistics, based on the two countries to facilitate the international transport corridor, the Sino Russian territory for communication of bilateral commercial road feeder transport, rail transport and port transportation open discussion. At the same time, in detail introduced the container transport, road - Railway - port combined transport, bonded logistics zone transport model of the means of transport. The two countries in business logistics infrastructure at the same time, in order to perfect the logistics system, this paper also summarizes the two countries with hard frontier commercial logistics growth related legal framework. The through adopts SWOT analysis method, to Russia and China in terms of geographical environment and basic facilities and judicial expansion frontier business logistics and advantages of analysis, to clarify the two countries in the growth of the commercial logistics international (internal) threats and opportunities, so we can draw a conclusion that the bilateral trade logistics growth of three growth forms, in dealing with Sino Russian business in the growth of the performance, and puts forward the logistics strategy to promote development of bilateral trade.


摘要   4-5   ABSTRACT   5   第1章 绪论   8-12       1.1 背景   8-9       1.2 国内外探讨近况和创新点   9-10           1.2.1 国外探讨近况综述   9           1.2.2 中国探讨近况   9-10       1.3 探讨目的和创新   10-12           1.3.1 探讨目的   10-11           1.3.2 本文的创新   11-12   第2章 国际贸易和国际物流的相关理论   12-18       2.1 国际贸易概述   12-14           2.1.1 国际贸易的内容   12           2.1.2 国际贸易的特征   12-14       2.2 国际物流的相关概念   14-18           2.2.1 国际物流的相关术语   14-15           2.2.2 国际物流管理的构成   15-16           2.2.3 国际物流的基础设施   16-18   第3章 中俄边贸物流发展状况   18-35       3.1 中俄边贸物流发展历程   18-21       3.2 中俄边贸物流的主要设施   21-31           3.2.1 俄罗斯远东地区的交通基础设施   21-24           3.2.2 中国东北部的交通基础设施   24-28           3.2.3 中俄边境物流中的国际运输走廊   28-29           3.2.4 中俄国际运输法学框架   29-31       3.3 中俄跨境经济合作区   31-35   第4章 中俄边境商贸物流 SWOT 略论   35-44       4.1 SWOT 略论概述   35       4.2 内外部环境略论   35-42           4.2.1 中俄边贸物流发展的内部因素   35-40           4.2.2 中俄边境贸易物流发展的外部因素   40-42       4.3 中俄边贸易物流的 SWOT 略论模型   42-44   第5章 中俄边贸物流发展主要思路   44-50       5.1 中俄边贸物流发展对策制定的准则   44       5.2 中俄边贸易物流发展对策   44-50   第6章 结论   50-52   参考文献   52-55   致谢   55  
