摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,俄语论文网站,下载原文正常,俄语毕业论文,内容请直接查看目录。) 自从上世纪70年月末80年月初以来,中俄两都城步入了各自的社会转型过程。社会转型成绩根本可以总结为一个静态性的成绩,它是一个进程。中俄两国社会转型有着各自的特别性也有二者配合性的特点。二者的社会转型是可以同一到古代化进程中来的,从微观来看的全部世界成长过程的汗青时光点根本是分歧的。但是,两国社会转型的途径措施办法的选择是分歧的,俄罗斯选择的是轨制变更、保守的转型形式而中国选择了在根本轨制不变的条件下的渐进式的转型形式,两国社会转型的国际国际情况和根本配景、两国的根本文明基因从汗青的角度动身对于途径形式选择是起到了严重性感化的,是以就有了两国社会转型的分歧特质:中国的社会转型具有国民性、自发性、目的性等特点;俄罗斯的社会转型具有继续性、渐变性、自觉性等特点。两国分歧形式的选择直接招致了两国分歧的古代化结果的获得。两国的社会转型都获得了伟大的造诣并愈来愈被国际社会所看重并承认。就今朝的情形看,中国的社会转型比拟俄罗斯的社会转型其结果的取得更加显著一些,而且从俄罗斯社会转型的途径轨迹来看,俄罗斯的社会转型也愈来愈趋近于渐进式的转型形式,它也在赓续调剂曩昔保守的做法。两国的社会转型进程中都激发了分歧的成绩,这些成绩也都组成了两国持续深化成长进程中不能不面临息争决的成绩,个中两国必需都须要处理的个性的成绩就是社会构造变更所激发的一系列成绩,特殊是财富分派成果激发的一系列社会成绩。更年夜的挑衅在于人类曾经进入了信息化时期,以学界的不雅点而言世界曾经进入了后古代化时期,这也是两国转型进程中不能不面临的新情形新课题。 Abstract: Since the end of the last century 70 years since the beginning of 80 years, the two capital of China and Russia have entered their respective social transformation process. The result of social transition can be summarized as a static performance, it is a process. Chinese and Russian social transformation has its own special characteristics also have the characteristics of the two party. The social transformation of the two can be the same to the process of the ancient times, from the microscopic point of view of the whole process of the development of the world history time point is fundamentally different. However, the choice of ways and means of social transformation of the two countries are different, the choice of the Russian system change, conservative form of transformation and China chose the gradual transformation of the basic system under the conditions of the gradual transformation of the international situation and the root of the background, the two basic cultural genes from the historical perspective on the way to choose is to play a serious sexual characteristics: China's social transformation has the characteristics of national nature, purpose, etc.. The choice of the different forms of the two countries directly led to the result of the ancient times of the two countries' differences. Both of the social transformation of the two countries have gained great achievements and have become more and more valued and recognized by the international community. Current situation and China's social transition compared to Russian social transformation the results obtained more remarkable and from the point of view of the trajectory of the ways of the social transformation in Russia, the social transformation in Russia also increasingly tends to progressive transformation of form, it is also continuously adjust the past conservative approach. The two countries in the process of social transformation have inspired differences in performance, these results also constitute the two countries continue to deepen the growth process can not be faced with the problem of achievement, the two countries need to deal with the results of the personality is a series of changes in the structure of the structure of the results, especially the results of the wealth distribution of a series of social achievements. Even greater provocation is that humans have entered the information era, in terms of the academic point of view the world has entered the era of ancient times, which is a new situation in the process of transformation of the two countries can not be faced with new challenges. 目录: 摘要 5 第一章 绪论 6-10 1.1 国内外探讨近况概述 6-8 1.2 本课题主要的新观点 8-9 1.3 本文探讨内容和意义 9-10 第二章 社会转型的内涵类型 10-12 2.1 社会转型的内涵 10-11 2.2 社会转型的类型概述 11-12 第三章 冷战结束前后中国的社会转型 12-21 3.1 冷战结束前后中国社会转型的初始条件 12-14 3.2 1978年后中国社会转型的基本属性 14-19 3.3 1978年后中国社会转型取得的成就与存在的问题 19-21 第四章 冷战前后俄罗斯的社会转型 21-28 4.1 冷战结束前后俄罗斯社会转型的背景 21-23 4.2 冷战结束前后俄罗斯社会转型的特点 23-25 4.3 冷战结束前后俄罗斯社会转型的经验及存在的问题 25-28 第五章 冷战结束前后中俄社会转型的比较略论 28-33 5.1 冷战结束前后中俄社会转型的基本取向相近 28-30 5.2 冷战结束前后中俄社会转型特点的比较略论 30-31 5.3 冷战结束前后中俄社会转型路径选择的比较略论 31-32 5.4 冷战结束后中俄社会转型面临的主要任务略论 32-33 结论 33-35 参考文献 35-38 致谢 38 |