
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19

跟着金融危机作用的慢慢衰退,世界旅游市场也在炽热,固然今朝增加率还不算高,然则人们外出旅游的热忱低落,俄语论文题目,会拉动经济内需,对全部经济构造有很年夜的作用。中国和俄罗斯积极实行全方位、多元化的改革开放政策,经济取得连续增加,两国国民的生涯程度赓续进步,跨国旅游也在赓续成长。 本文将以中国与俄罗斯花费者旅游行动为例,剖析从旅游、旅游目标地选择、出国旅游念头、作用搭客选择中国或俄罗斯旅游的身分、花费者旅游中关怀的身分等方面临赴俄也许中国旅游的花费者的花费行动停止查询拜访。 本文在设计查询拜访问卷以后,在中国和俄罗斯停止发放,并经由过程SPSS和微软Excel对搜集到的数据停止统计剖析,得出研究结论。研究结论以下: (1)对中国花费者而言,俄语论文网站,花费者的旅游目标以散心、体验平易近族文明和社交目标为主。花费者选择旅游目标田主要依据本身所控制的信息和经济状态来做出选择。花费者出国旅游更多的是求知念头。作用花费者选择俄罗斯旅游的身分重要是差别化身分。花费者旅游中所存眷的身分顺次为本地平易近俗文明、购物和人文景不雅。俄罗斯花费者的分歧点在于,花费者的旅游目标以散心、体验平易近族文明为主。花费者旅游中所存眷的身分顺次为购物、本地平易近俗文明和人文景不雅。 (2)中国和俄罗斯花费者在以下方面存在明显差别:花费者旅游目标中的旅游体验、体验平易近族文明方面;旅游目标地选择的人文景不雅、信息完整方面;出国旅游念头的求知念头、抢先念头方面;作用搭客选择俄罗斯旅游的身分的差别化身分方面;花费者旅游中存眷身分的人文景不雅、本地平易近俗文明、购物。 最初笔者用得出的两国花费者旅游行动研究剖析成果对中国与俄罗斯旅游业的营销提出了本身的建议。


Following the financial crisis the influence of slow decline, the world tourism market also in the hot, although the current increase rate is not too high, but people go out tourism enthusiasm is low, would boost the economy and domestic demand, have very big effect on all of the economic structure. China and Russia, actively carry out comprehensive and diversified policies of reform and opening to the outside world, economy has increased continuously, the peoples of the two countries career degree rise ceaselessly, transnational tourism also in ceaseless growth. The to China and Russia spending tourists action as an example, analysis from the aspects of tourism, tourism destination selection, abroad travel motivation, influence of passengers choose the identity of China or Russia tourism, cost of caring the tourist identity Lin went to Russia perhaps China tourism consumers spend an action investigation. In this paper, after the design of the questionnaire, in China and Russia to stop payment, and through the process of Excel and Microsoft SPSS to collect the data of statistical analysis, draw the conclusion of the study. Research the following conclusions: (1) to China to spend them, spend traveling to relax and experience the plain near family civilization and social goals mainly. The consumer chooses the tourist target field to make the choice according to the information and the economic status which is controlled by itself. Tourists traveling abroad are more of an intellectual curiosity. The factors that influence the consumer's choice of Russian tourism are the difference in the embodiment of the difference. Consumers with existing in tourism identity are local folk culture, shopping and cultural landscape. Russia takes bifurcation point of cost, tourists to relax and experience the nation's civilization. Consumers with existing in tourism identity in order for shopping, local folk culture and humanistic landscape. (2) of China and Russia is spending in the following aspects are obviously different: spend the target tourists of tourism experience, experience plain near family civilization; tourism destination choice of Wenjing indecent, complete information; abroad travel motivation of knowledge idea, Qiang Xiannian head; influence passengers choose Russia tourism identity difference embodiment includes two aspects; tourists spend save identity Wenjing not elegant, local residents near customs of civilization, shopping. At first, the author made a research on the marketing of tourism industry in China and Russia with the results of the two countries.


封面   1-2  
文摘   2-3  
英文文摘   3-5  
第1章 引言   5-8  
    1.1 探讨背景   5-6  
    1.2 探讨意义   6-6  
        1.2.1 理论意义   6-6  
        1.2.2 现实意义   6-6  
    1.3 探讨内容及措施   6-8  
        1.2.2 探讨内容   6-7  
        1.2.2 探讨措施   7-8  
第2章 国内外文献综述   8-19  
    2.1 概念界定   8-10  
        2.1.1 旅游   8-8  
        2.1.2 国际旅游   8-9  
        2.1.3 消费着行为   9-9  
        2.1.4 比较探讨   9-10  
    2.2 旅游消费行为探讨   10-17  
        2.2.1 旅游目的地选择   11-13  
        2.2.2 旅游动机   13-17  
    2.3 国际旅游相关探讨   17-17  
    2.4 不同文化背景消费者消费行为对比探讨   17-19  
第3章 探讨设计   19-21  
    3.1 探讨对象   19-19  
    3.2 问卷设计   19-19  
    3.3 问卷发放及回收   19-20  
    3.4 略论措施   20-21  
第4章 探讨结果   21-36  
    4.1 问卷回收与资料整理   21-24  
    4.2 数据略论   24-36  
        4.2.1 描述性统计   24-25  
        4.2.2 旅游消费行为的探究性因子略论   25-33  
        4.2.3 信度略论   33-34  
        4.2.4 单因素方差略论   34-36  
第5章 结论与展望   36-40  
    5.1 探讨结论   36-39  
        5.1.1 中俄消费者消费行为概况   36-36  
        5.1.2 中俄消费者旅游消费行为异同   36-37  
        5.1.3 笔者对中俄旅游业营销建议   37-39  
    5.2 探讨局限及未来探讨方向   39-40  
致谢   40-41  
参考文献   41-44  
    一、中文部分   41-42  
    二、外文部分   42-44  
附录 A 问卷中文部分   44-48  
附录 B 问卷俄文部分、论文与探讨成果   48  
