
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Recording films and television's growth not only allows us to treat people's lives in a more emotional perspective, but also allows us to be able to test the test to understand the hidden movement of social development efforts. At the same time, in the application of screen to reaction in the past the screen said the force of the rail system in the process of creating, the kind of literature researchers to history as the coexistence of news comment and artistic reflection object's fascination with the news in the historical process of all film art. History Documentary Film in the documentary a variety of classification caused wide creator and the audience's attention, film and television writer on history achievement has a strong interest, so a history literature creation process obtained experience need careful analysis. According to the interaction of the annotation on the practical application of this achievement growth theory of general categories, history materials in the film the role and nature of a wide range of views, and historical reality and film maker, on the above achievement need know superstitious. Chinese historical document records in the history of the Chinese record in the history of the occupation of a very important position, the origin of the history of the Russian literature and the history of the Russian literature closely related. In this paper, through the comparison of the records of these two countries, we can more fully understand the relationship and influence each other, and put forward the evolution of Chinese historical records and creative means of writing ideas and methods.


目录   4-6   摘要   6-7   Abstract   7   第一章 绪论   8-10       1.1 问题的提出   8       1.2 国内外探讨近况   8       1.3 探讨内容及措施   8-9           1.3.1 探讨措施   8           1.3.2 技术路线和实验方案   8-9       1.4 论文的创新之处   9       1.5 运用前景、学术价值   9-10           1.5.1 运用前景   9           1.5.2 学术价值   9-10   第二章 纪录片中的历史信息与艺术表现力   10-28       2.1 电影艺术的纪录本质   10-11           2.1.1 新技术、新设备的应用促进纪录片的发展   10           2.1.2 电影艺术的本质--真实记录现实   10-11       2.2 纪录片中“事实”与“电影事实”   11-16           2.2.1 俄罗斯左翼艺术家联盟(LEF)的基本理念   11-14           2.2.2 克拉考尔的电影艺术本性的理念   14-15           2.2.3 拉斯·冯·提尔的理念   15-16       2.3 确实性:问题的边缘性   16-19           2.3.1 确实性与真实性   17           2.3.2 摄影师的影响   17-18           2.3.3 拍摄手法的应用   18-19       2.4 文献画面的蒙太奇的应用   19-21       2.5 新闻画面的“第二种生活”   21-23       2.6 肖像画与人   23-25           2.6.1 照片的应用   23-24           2.6.2 档案资料   24           2.6.3 目击者的口述   24-25       注释   25-28   第三章 俄罗斯历史文献纪录片的表现力形式   28-37       3.1 历史逻辑与电影故事逻辑(以艾瑟·苏勃的《罗曼诺夫王朝覆灭》(The Fallof the Romannov Dynasty)为例)   28-30           3.1.1 历史文献纪录片的建立   28-29           3.1.2 历史文献纪录片《罗曼诺夫王朝》中蒙太奇手法的应用   29-30       3.2 纪念的声音(以马里纳·巴巴克的《朱可夫元帅》(Marshal Zhukov)为例)   30-33           3.2.1 客观性和个性化的蒙太奇   31           3.2.2 声音的力量   31-33       3.3 作者对历史的理解(以米哈伊尔·罗姆的《普通的法西斯》(Ordinary Fascism)为例)   33-34       3.4 诗意世界的历史形象(以阿尔塔瓦兹德·佩列尚的《咱们》(We)、《起点》(The Beginning)为例)   34-36           3.4.1 佩列尚的著作中拍摄手法及声音应用   34-35           3.4.2 佩列尚的著作中蒙太奇“间隔”的应用   35-36       注释   36-37   第四章 中国历史文献纪录片创作理念和创作手法的嬗变   37-48       4.1 增强叙述历史的客观性   37-40           4.1.1. 忠实重构历史,避免主题先行   37-39           4.1.2. 保持采访的原生态,避免人为操纵   39-40       4.2 增强对历史的评论和梳理   40-43           4.2.1 增强历史评论,树立主体意识   40-42           4.2.2. 减少不必要的故事,情节为主题服务   42-43       4.3 增多解读历史的角度   43-48           4.3.1. 用平民历史实现历史本位的复归   44-45           4.3.2. 用个人风格实现解读历史的多元化   45-48   结语   48-49   参考文献   49-53   攻读学位期间所的学术论文   53-55   致谢   55  
