
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Russian nationalism is Russia's national innate characteristics. To express feelings of concentric concentrate in by the alien invasion, it expressed the connection resistance mole of the plain near family cohesion; in the country has become more and more powerful, the Russian folk nationalism expressed the eve of the Russian nationalism, chauvinism and plain near family egoism situation; in the collapse of the Soviet Union, the state of the economy falling into a mental Weidun stop times, the Russian folk nationalism as a political thought, arouse the plain nearly all of the past power thoughts and the Empire projections of growing confidence in the plain near family pride and a sense of "empire" of the heart, and a plain near the public heart connection in a way. This paper focuses on the analysis of Russian nationalism influence on Sino Russian relations and constraints. In the second chapter, first recall the "Sino Soviet alliance cooperation contract" signed, the Korean War, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union 20 large, and some of the major historical matters. Accompanied by combing to the matters to analyze the Russian plain near nationalism in the Sino Soviet relations in the representation and the adverse impact of the Sino Soviet relations. In the third chapter, the collapse of the Soviet Union at the beginning of the Russian international situation as the end constraints. To analyze in its "communicative equilibrium and stranger pluck up the" China Threat Theory "which, Russian plain near nationalism to the growth of China Russia relations caused by the harmful effects. Initially, in the conclusion presented itself for Sino Russian relations in the future growth of the opinion, and points out that in the Sino Russian relationship is superior growth of tomorrow, we still cannot neglect the Russian plain near nationalism the Sino Russian relations in the risk factors. Restricted by Russian nationalism thought itself, the greatest benefits in seeking Russia's foreign relations, the Sino Russian relations will bring Ankang growth is bound to restrict.


摘要   6-7   Abstract   7   Реферат   8-10   引言   10-12   第一章 俄罗斯民族主义的起源及其发展   12-20       第一节 历史的追溯   12-14       第二节 进入帝国时期的俄罗斯   14-18       第三节 新时期的俄罗斯民族主义变化   18-20   第二章 俄罗斯民族主义在中苏关系中的表现   20-31       第一节 俄罗斯民族主义在中苏关系蜜月时期的表现   20-25           一、 毛泽东的苏联之行   21-23           二、 在朝鲜战争的问题上苏方的种种顾虑   23-25       第二节 从分歧走向破裂的中苏关系   25-31           一、 渐行渐远的中苏关系   25-28           二、 中苏关系的彻底破裂   28-31   第三章 俄罗斯民族主义在中俄关系中的作用   31-40       第一节 俄罗斯民族主义在俄罗斯外交策略上的作用   32-36       第二节 “中国威胁论”在俄罗斯的兴起与演变   36-40   结论   40-43   注释   43-45   参考文献   45-47   攻读学位期间学术论文情况   47-48   致谢   48-49  
