
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19

中国和俄罗斯作为地缘政治年夜国,有着漫长的边疆线,边疆商业天然成为两边经贸来往的主要构成部门。从汗青成长进程来看,两国的边疆商业成长有着弯曲的阅历,阅历了分歧的成长阶段,与两国国度关系的成长有着亲密接洽,可以说两国的边疆商业已成为中俄间国度关系的晴雨表。 最近几年来,跟着中俄睦邻友爱协作关系的深刻成长,中俄边疆商业也获得了长足的停顿,边疆商业作为国际商业的一种特别情势,俄语专业论文,异样可以起到“经济成长的动员机”的感化,在增进我国与俄罗斯交界地域的经济社会成长方面做出了明显地进献,这不只有益于我国实行兼顾区域经济成长计谋,并且有益于保护边疆平易近族地域的协调稳固。 今朝有关边疆商业与区域经济增加的研究,多是运用时光序列数据或是截面数据,少有益用面板数据办法对二者关系停止研究,而面板数据掌握了弗成不雅测经济变量所引致的OLS估量的误差,使得模子设定更公道、模子参数的样本估量量更精确。本文将运用面板数据相关办法对中俄边疆商业与中国边疆省区经济增加之间的关系停止磨练。成果注解边疆商业的成长可以或许明显增进区域经济的成长。这也验证了新时代,持续年夜力成长中俄边疆商业的主要性。在此基本之上,本文剖析了以后中俄边疆商业中存在的凸起成绩,并提出了体系性、针对性的对策建议。 本文重要分为五个章节: 第一章作为绪论,阐述了本文选题的研究配景、实际和实际意义,和本文的重要立异的地方。 第二章为文献综述。界定了边疆商业的概念及特色,引见了边疆商业与经济增加的有关实际研究和实证研究的结论。 第三章回想了中俄边疆商业的汗青,并深刻剖析了中俄边疆商业的成长现状,包含重要介入省区、商业构造、商业进出等方面。 第四章为实证剖析,经由过程面板单元根磨练、面板协整、面板模子估量等办法对中俄边疆商业与中国边疆省区经济增加之间的关系停止磨练。 第五章深刻剖析了以后中俄边疆商业中存在的凸起成绩和成长的有益前提,在此基本之上,俄语论文范文,提出了进一步增进中俄边疆商业成长的政策建议。 本文的研究重点是运用面板数据相关办法对中俄边疆商业与中国边疆省区经济增加之间的关系停止商量,在研究办法上具有立异性,冲破了以往仅仅运用时光数列数据剖析相似成绩的局限。另外在研究中俄边疆商业的有关成绩和政策建议时,紧扣以后世界经济和中俄政治经济成长的年夜情况,从较高的条理停止了剖析。


Chinese and Russia as a geo political big country, has a long border line, the business has become the main part of both natural and trade association. From the point of historical development process, on both sides of the frontier trade development has a curved experience, experience the different stages of development and growth of the bilateral relationship between countries has a close contact can be said that bilateral border trade has become a barometer of the national relationship between China and Russia. In recent years, along with the deep development of Sino Russian good neighborly and friendly relations of cooperation, Sino Russian border business also won the great pause and frontier business as international business is a kind of special situation, the strange can play to the action of "economic growth engine, in the promotion of China and Russia at the junction of the regional economic and social development made a significant contribution, which is not only beneficial to in our implementation of balanced regional economic development strategy, and is beneficial to protect frontier folk minority areas of harmonious and stable. Increase current related to frontier trade and regional economic research is using time series data or are cross sectional data, less beneficial using panel data on the relationship between the two studies, and panel data master Eph to indecent measuring error caused by the economic variables of the OLS estimation, the mold setting more reasonable, model parameters of sample estimates more accurate. The application of panel data approach to the relationship between the border areas between China and Russia business and economic growth in the province of the border China stop training. Results the growth of commercial notes may border significantly promote the regional economic growth. This also proves that the new era of sustained growth, the main force of large commercial border areas between China and russia. On this basis, this paper analyzes the problems raised in the business after the Sino Russian border, and puts forward the systematic and specific countermeasures and suggestions. This paper is divided into five chapters: Chapter one, as an introduction, describes the research background of the topic, theoretical and practical significance, and the important innovation of. The second chapter is literature review. The definition and characteristics of the business, introduces the relevant theoretical research and empirical research conclusions frontier business and economic increase. The third chapter reviewed the Sino Russian border business history, and analyzes the development status of Sino Russian border trade, including important provinces, business structure, business involved in import etc.. The fourth chapter is the empirical analysis, through the process of panel unit root test and panel cointegration and panel model estimate methods of the relationship between the Sino Russian border training business and economic growth in the province of the border Chinese. The fifth chapter analyzes the existence of outstanding commercial Sino Russian border and the growth of beneficial premise, on this basis, proposed to further promote Sino Russian border business growth policy recommendations. The focus of this research is using panel data methods on the relationship between the frontier trade between China and Russia and China borderland province economic growth stop to discuss, in the research method is specific, breakthrough in the past, only the application of time series data and analysis of the similar results in the limitation. Also in the study of Sino Russian frontier business related results and policy recommendations, closely linked to the growth of the world economy and the Sino Russian economic and political conditions, from higher in the hierarchy to carry on the analysis.

