
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Power (especially oil, natural gas, capital is the blood of modern industry society, the nations of the world to economic growth and competing to standby counsel capital is main factor of a country's economic security and even the entire peace is at stake. Nowadays in most countries are facing energy security performance, so all the nations to develop dynamic strategy listed as a national priority consideration. China is no exception. Chinese about global power great producer, is the power cost of a big country. China's power needs more exports, in recent years, China's power dependence on foreign trade has exceeded 50%. And China's export power is too dependent on the Middle East and Africa, and these regional political situation much less stable, and the political and economic relations on the transport channel and complex of the Malacca Strait, which gives the power of China's security has brought a great hidden danger. Russia is independent from outside OPEC power production and export large country, power capital is substantial, and and China are geographically close and dynamic cooperation with Russia is undoubtedly to slow China's energy security is the main choice. Sino Russian political and economic relations between the two countries is superior, is a solid foundation for dynamic cooperation. But because of the restriction factor of the international, China Russia energy cooperation in fact does not go smoothly and all kinds of influencing factors with determines the prospect of impetus to bilateral cooperation. Russia launched power cooperation on both has important significance. The profound development of the dynamic cooperation between the two countries will not only contribute to the prosperity of the two countries' economic growth and cooperation, but also contribute to the full, strong growth and development of the Sino Russian strategic cooperative partnership. This paper through the analysis of the process of Sino Russian energy cooperation and basic and all kinds of restricting factors, test for the future impetus to bilateral cooperation smoothly supply certain reference and created.


摘要   4-5   Abstract   5-6   引言   10-17       1 选题的缘起及意义   10-11       2 探讨近况述评   11-14       3 理论依据   14-16           国家间合作理论   14-15           博弈论   15           特种要素模型理论   15-16       4 创新点   16-17   第1章 国际能源格局概观   17-22       1.1 能源在人类社会发展中的基础性影响   17       1.2 国际能源格局的演进   17-22           1.2.1 英、美先后对国际能源格局的掌控   18-19           1.2.2 欧佩克主导下的国际能源格局   19-20           1.2.3 渐趋合作与规范的国际能源格局   20-22   第2章 国际能源格局下的中国和俄罗斯   22-41       2.1 中国的能源历史与近况   22-29           2.1.1 中国的石油发展历史   22-23           2.1.2 中国的能源领域中存在的诸多问题   23-29       2.2 俄罗斯的能源资源分布及开发状况   29-32       2.3 俄罗斯的能源外交   32-41           2.3.1 俄罗斯能源外交的历史回顾   32-33           2.3.2 俄罗斯能源外交的目标与重点   33-35           2.3.3 俄罗斯能源外交的规划布局   35-41   第3章 中俄能源合作的现实与前景   41-62       3.1 中俄能源合作的历史与近况   41-44       3.2 中俄能源合作的基础   44-49           3.2.1 中俄友好的外交关系是两国开展能源合作的坚实基础   44-46           3.2.2 独特的地理区位优势为两国破解各自的发展难题提供了机遇   46-49       3.3 中俄能源合作的方式和途径   49-52           3.3.1 建立政治上的互信,密切两国政府间的协调和磋商   49-50           3.3.2 加大资金支持力度,为我方公司对俄能源领域的投资创造条件   50-51           3.3.3 以上海合作组织为平台开展双边和多边能源外交   51-52       3.4 中俄能源合作的障碍性因素与应对策略   52-62           3.4.1 中国制约因素   52-55           3.4.2 俄罗斯制约因素   55-58           3.4.3 国际制约因素   58-60           3.4.4 对制约因素的应对策略   60-62   结束语   62-64   参考文献   64-66   个人简历   66-67   致谢   67  
