
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Russia not only has a long line with China's neighbors, and is the world's largest country. Along with the continuous deepening of economic and trade relations between the two countries, Russia cooperation has become more and more broad prospects. At present, Sino Russian relations are in the best of times, and have become a good example of friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation. Continuously deepen friendly relations between both sides of the political, economic, cultural and other areas and to the growth of China Russia relations make greater contribution, there is need for Sino Russian relations in the process of growing stop thinkin 'about the problems of the stop to discuss. The early 90s, Russian capital very valued mutual economic and trade exchanges, expand the border port number, encourage and protect business investment, economic and trade cooperation between the two countries, the invention of the superior international situation, promoted the healthy development of Sino Russian trade and economic cooperation. In the 2000 years, China and Russia business growth agility. Sino Russian economic and trade cooperation between the two countries in the past three centuries of growth process, we can not see the economic and trade relations between the two countries rise and fall. The strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries has become more stable with the prosperity of trade and economic cooperation. In 2017 the international financial risks and Sino Russian bilateral high-level guide people frequently meet. The aim is to promote and stable cross adjacent friendship and economic and trade cooperation between the two countries. On both sides with the efforts of the two countries, bilateral economic and trade cooperation to complete a weak recovery, China and Russia have each other as an important business partner. August 22, 2017, Russia took part in the world trade organization, becoming the 156th member of WTO. Russian and Chinese economists, businessmen think, Russia to join the World Trade Organization (WTO) will be unable to promote the growth of Russian business and investment cooperation, accession to the WTO after the Russian market will also become double open. Analysts believe that Russia to participate in WTO means that the improvement of the international investment situation, while China's investment opportunities will grow. However, there are also new challenges, such as Russia's products will face the competition in the product of Chinese enterprises. In this article, the author analyzes the history of Sino Russian economic and trade cooperation, and Russia to participate in the world trade organization new opportunities and challenges. The first chapter of this thesis is devoted to the analysis and Discussion on the prospect of Russia China Economic and trade cooperation and Russia's strategic choice.


摘要   6-7   Abstract   7-8   目录   9-11   第一章 绪论   11-14       1.1 探讨背景与探讨目的   11-12           1.1.1 探讨背景   11           1.1.2 探讨目的   11-12       1.2 探讨措施与探讨内容   12           1.2.1 探讨措施   12           1.2.2. 探讨内容   12       1.3 文献综述   12-14   第二章 相关理论概述   14-17       2.1 国际投资理论   14-15           2.1.1 垄断优势模型   14           2.1.2 产品生命周期理论   14           2.1.3 国际生产折衷理论   14-15       2.2 国际贸易理论   15-16           2.2.1 比较优势理论   15           2.2.2 赫克歇尔-俄林模型(资源禀赋理论)   15-16       2.3 WTO理论   16-17   第三章 俄中经贸合作的历史回顾与近况   17-27       3.1 俄中经贸合作的历史回顾   17-23           3.1.1 叶利钦执政时期双方经贸关系(1991-1999)   17-19           3.1.2 普京执政时期双方经贸关系(2000-2017)   19-20           3.1.3 国际金融危机后中俄双方经贸关系(2017-2017)   20-23       3.2 俄罗斯加入WTO后俄中经贸合作近况   23-27           3.2.1 双边贸易   23-25           3.2.2 相互投资   25-26           3.2.3 旅游合作   26-27   第四章 俄罗斯加入WTO后俄中双边经贸合作的机遇挑战   27-34       4.1 面临的机遇   27-31           4.1.1 投资环境的改善   27-30           4.1.2 改善中俄双边贸易的条件   30-31       4.2 面临的挑战   31-34           4.2.1 货物贸易面临的挑战   31           4.2.2 服务贸易面临的挑战   31-34   第五章 俄罗斯的战略选择   34-42       5.1 发挥俄罗斯的比较优势加强与中国的经贸合作   34-36       5.2 改善投资环境积极引进中国资本   36-38       5.3 进一步完善口岸建设,加强边境地区经贸合作   38-42   结论   42-44   参考文献   44-47   致谢   47  
