摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 现今国际技巧转移曾经成为国际经济技巧协作的重要内容,经由过程从世界规模引进先辈技巧,充足运用蓬勃国度的技巧结果,同时依据本国现实情形停止立异,是成长中国度加快本国经济、科技提高和培养本身技巧才能的一条捷径。中俄两国在各自的成长汗青上构成了分歧的特色,各有优势,特殊是在科技协作方面有着伟大的潜力。从技巧转移的内部情况来看,俄语专业论文,黑龙江省具有优越的区位优势,也是中俄科技协作最多的省分之一。本文在深刻剖析国际外有关跨国技巧转移、技巧立异和中俄科技协作的基本上,联合国际技巧转移的现有实际,以黑龙江中俄科技协作及家当化中间(以下简称HCR)为载体,商量了公司的技巧转移现实操作。中俄两国技巧输入和技巧引进念头的分歧,使得在技巧转移的进程中,两国之间必定发生好处抵触。若何运用好两者之间的关系以到达共赢的局势,是一个值得深刻研究的成绩。论文起首对HCR所处情况、根本概略和初建阶段本身存在的成绩停止了客不雅剖析,指出了因为技巧转移措施的单一性与不实用性,障碍技巧成长与立异,导致引进项目家当化不胜利;其次在充足熟悉HCR的基本上,针对HCR现有技巧转移门路及其给HCR带来的作用,提出了更加公道的技巧引进措施,并制订HCR的新型技巧引进战略和企业运营的形式;同时,为了使新的运营形式得以完美,本文还提出了响应的对策,重筑公司文明,强化技巧转移的投入,并对人力资本整合,信息平台扶植,绩效考察机制停止完美。 Abstract: Nowadays the skills transfer has become an important part of international economic and technological cooperation, through the process of from the world scale introduction of advanced technology, full use of flourishing nation skills results, also according to their actual situation innovation is growing China speed up their economic, science and technology improve and cultivate their skills to a shortcut. China and Russia formed different characteristics in their growth history, have their own advantages, especially has a great potential in science and technology cooperation. From the internal transfer of skills, Heilongjiang province has superior geographical advantages, one is the largest provincial scientific and technological cooperation between China and russia. The in a profound analysis of the foreign related international skills transfer, technique innovation and the Sino Russian scientific and technological cooperation basically. Combined with the skills transfer existing actual, to Heilongjiang Sino Russian scientific and technological cooperation and belongings of intermediate (hereinafter referred to as the HCR) as the carrier, to discuss the business skills transfer operation. The Sino Russian skills and skills introduction input idea makes differences in skill transfer process, between the two countries must have conflicts of interest. The relationship between how to use them to reach a win-win situation, is a worthy of deep study. Firstly, the basic situation of HCR, and briefly the early stages of construction itself did a objective analysis, pointed out that because of the single skill transfer method and practical skills, obstacle growth and innovation, leading to the introduction of the project have not enough in the second victory; familiar with HCR basically, in view of the influence pull HCR existing skills transfer and brings to HCR, put forward a more reasonable method to introduce and develop new skills, skills of the introduction of HCR strategy and company operation; at the same time, in order to make the operation form perfectly, is proposed corresponding countermeasures, build enterprise culture, strengthen the skills transfer investment, and the human capital integration, information platform construction, performance review mechanism perfect. 目录: 摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 第1章 绪论 8-17 1.1 课题探讨的背景及意义 8 1.2 国内外探讨近况 8-16 1.2.1 技术创新 8-9 1.2.2 技术转移 9-15 1.2.3 中俄科技合作 15-16 1.3 本文主要探讨内容 16-17 第2章 HCR 发展近况略论 17-27 2.1 HCR 成立背景及环境略论 17-20 2.1.1 国际政治环境及两国政府关系略论 17 2.1.2 中俄科技实力近况与需求互补性略论 17-18 2.1.3 中俄经济环境略论 18-20 2.1.4 中俄科技合作机构略论 20 2.2 HCR 基本概况 20-22 2.3 HCR 的资源与结构略论 22-24 2.3.1 HCR 的内部资源 22-23 2.3.2 HCR 的组织机构 23 2.3.3 HCR 的公司文化 23-24 2.4 HCR 现存的问题 24-26 2.5 本章小结 26-27 第3章 HCR 运营模式的设计 27-38 3.1 HCR 运营模式的目标 27-28 3.2 HCR 运营模式的内容和重点 28-32 3.2.1 HCR 运营模式的内容 28-30 3.2.2 HCR 运营模式的重点 30-32 3.3 HCR 运营模式的调整 32-36 3.3.1 组织结构 32-34 3.3.2 项目管理 34 3.3.3 项目运作的流程设计 34-36 3.4 HCR 运营模式的实施 36-37 3.5 本章小结 37-38 第4章 HCR 运营模式实施的保障方法 38-45 4.1 重筑HCR 的公司文化 38-39 4.2 强化技术转移的投入 39-41 4.2.1 由技术逐步进入调整到大幅度技术转移 39 4.2.2 由被动的技术转让调整到主动的技术引进 39-40 4.2.3 由单纯的技术转移调整到探讨开发型战略 40 4.2.4 加强技术转移与配套生产发展的结合 40 4.2.5 对技术的控制性增强 40-41 4.3 完善运营的保障机制 41-44 4.3.1 人力资源整合 41-42 4.3.2 信息平台建设 42-43 4.3.3 绩效考核机制 43-44 4.4 本章小结 44-45 结论 45-46 参考文献 46-50 致谢 50 |