摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 本文以草婴师长教师的翻译理论与人生阅历为线索,以中俄两国特定汗青阶段的现实与文学史作为配景,经由过程对草婴师长教师六十余年翻译生活的回想,详细地剖析其选择翻译文本的尺度,翻译与时期的关系,俄语论文范文,翻译所发生的作用等,从而勾画出其作为翻译家的人的主体性的成长进程,俄语论文题目,并最初以翻译家所表示出来的常识份子的内涵品德对其主体性精力做出响应的归纳综合。 Abstract: This paper to Mr. Cao Ying's translation theory and life experience as a clue, to Russia and China specific historical stage of the reality and the history of literature as a background, through the process of his teacher for more than 60 years living memories, detailed analysis of the choice of the scale of text translation, the relationship between translation and period, the translation of the influence which lays out the growth process as the translator's subjectivity, and initially as a translator has shown the intellectual connotation and moral character of the main body of energy to make response induction integrated. 目录: 论文摘要 6-7 ABSTRACT 7 导言 研讨翻译家草婴翻译思想及主体性问题的意义 9-11 1、草婴走上翻译之路 11-13 2、鲁迅先生的作用和主体意识的觉醒 13-16 3、翻译主体的文化建构:草婴的文本选择 16-31 文本选择与时代 18-27 文本选择的标准 27-31 4、翻译主体的历史反思:翻译托尔斯泰 31-43 “文革”的磨难与反思 31-36 伟大的精神与不朽的艺术 36-43 结语 草婴的翻译人生与知识分子品格问题 43-48 注释 48-52 参考文献 52-54 后记 54 |