
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19

Putin is Russian history outstanding leader, is also a man of the hour today in world politics, his genius Abstract deeply affected the Russian and international policy, and he is heading to the era of relations between Russia and the United States in the bright mark. But because of Putin's presidency to stop soon, about the relationship between Russia and the United States he's age system results have not emerged. This is done in this aspect not test. This paper from the process of retrospective way, tracking Putin Era in North Korea relations between Russia and the United States growth process and characteristics, this kind of process is put in the background of the United States and Russia strategic adjustment examination, to remind the relations between Russia and the United States to adjust the background, content, characteristics, influence and future trends. Notes section contains four chapters, "Putin moving in the era of relations between Russia and the United States to adjust the background", "Putin Era in North Korea relations between Russia and the United States adjust the content", "Putin Era in North Korea relations between Russia and the United States adjust characteristics" and "Putin Era in North Korea relations between Russia and the United States adjust influence on Sino Russia and Sino US relations". Conclusion departments will be briefly summarized in this paper, the indecent point, and to analyze the relations between Russia and the United States the future development trend and China on U.S. - Russia relations adjustment countermeasures. The first chapter analyzes Putin presidency relations between Russia and the United States adjust background and separation from Russia and the United States both sides strength changes, complicated structure of conflicts of interest, protection bilateral relations stable cooperation need to Qijiang President Vladimir Putin's personal identity to stop the assessment. This chapter thought, strength, good format and resisting structure as a general framework, resolution will age relations between Russia and the United States to adjust the root locus, determines the relationship between Russia and the United States continued in Russia to compromise the condition, hold to collaborate with the overall situation. But follow the position of strength recovery measures acceleration, relations between Russia and the United States experience to stop the infighting has been less some big play of the eve of the fall of the swap, and to the world and regional situation have undergone profound influence. Chapter second assessment of this era of relations between Russia and the United States adjust the content. This chapter using longitudinal stage and horizontal classification phase joint way, with four has far-reaching impact on the mark sex should be as a milestone, the era of relations between Russia and the United States adjust longitudinally divided into five stages, and from the political, security, military, communication, laterally assessment details of each phase relations between Russia and the United States adjusts. Except for "9 - 11" long after the anti-terrorism peer relationship, relations between Russia and the United States adjust appears a in the overall cooperation under the situation of struggle continuously into the class of "comfort - response" track collaboration and conflict two clues and the coexistence of the extended synchronizing and collaboration in a conflict, but the conflict did not affect the collaboration. But since the Iraq war, relations between Russia and the United States in conflict and conflict side gradually rise, and follow the Putin presidency close to the prelude, the rising trend of significant speedup. The third chapter of this era of relations between Russia and the United States adjust characteristics. This chapter thinks, in moving in Putin Era to regulate the relations between Russia and the United States, the characteristics of the following four aspects deserve special concern is for Russia and the United States special position and influence, relations between Russia and the United States adjust is often hold a far-reaching effect. Two is the overall stable and continuous conflict with each other. Overall stability has always been the main theme of the relationship between Russia and the United States and both sides seek and defend the purpose, but bilateral strategic and deep-seated conflict did not clear, from time to time but have intensified trend, which the two countries struggle and conflict of the breadth, depth and intensity are rising continuously. The three is on both sides of the Russian offensive and defensive posture are stacked on top of each other. American attack Russia to observe is the overall situation of the relations between Russia and the United States, but the United States in defense of stress control and strategy, to Russia's reasonable care and big country attitude has understanding; in some moment, some issues and part of the region, Russia in the defensive stop need to counter and fight back. Russia in adjusting to its relations with the United States, has been careful in the guardian of the "bucket but not broken" bottom line, to the United States anti system and fight back to relations between Russia and the United States will not break to limit. The fourth chapter discusses the relationship between Russia and the United States adjust influence on Sino Russian relations and Sino US relations. Adjustment of relations between Russia and the United States of Sino Russia and Sino US relations have influence, but with the Sino Russian relations coherence far outweigh the coherence of Sino American relations. Russia is beneficial used to contain China needs the United States, more through concessions solid demand of relations between Russia and the United States, and in most cases the urgency than the former, which decides the Russian growth relations between Russia and the volunteer subject to the state of relations between Russia and the United States. Whenever the relations between Russia and the United States tend to be important, relations between Russia and the growth of Russian cities on the eve of the force, but when Russia thought to have stable relations between Russia and the United States the need and can, never hesitate to concessions in exchange for cooperation in the United States, on the development of relations between Russia and the volunteer was significantly decreased, and often to China under absolute disadvantageous position. Part, as a conclusion, the basic content of stopped briefly summarized, and the application of this research result analysis of the future relations between Russia and the United States face challenges and future development trend, and China for the future relations between Russia and the United States to adjust the strategy countermeasures. I think that in the future can foreknow, the eve of the framework of relations between Russia and the United States will not produce fundamental change, relations between Russia and the United States to comprehensive cooperation or comprehensive resistance can not Nianye. But follow the Russian position of strength gradually restored, to strengthen the United States to Russia's wariness and curb urban, Russia is bound to enhance to the United States to counter the strength. In order to keep the stable and long-term Sino Russia and Sino US relations, China should at least in the following three aspects make a difference one is to is pleased to see the stability of relations between Russia and the United States and development; the second is to avoid the Sino Russian strategic cooperation into the combination of the United States against; the third is to actively promote the establishment of the United States and Russia trilateral strategic dialogue mechanism.

