
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19

本文对“9·11”事宜后南亚美国全球计谋中的位置、美国南亚政策的重要内容停止阐释,剖析美国南亚政策对我国平安发生的作用,俄语论文网站,并提出我们的对策。全文分为3 部门。第一部门剖析了南亚在美国全球计谋中的位置。南亚是美国遏制中俄的计谋要地之一,是避免核分散的重点地域,是袭击恐惧主义的主疆场,是贯穿东方石油运输的重要通道。南亚在美国全球计谋中的位置上升,美国加年夜了对南亚的存眷。第二部门阐释了美国南亚政策的重要内容。起首是成长与印度的军事与平安协作,坚持在南亚的驻军,遏制中俄的计谋空间;其次是经由过程向南亚渗入渗出,开辟南亚市场,确保美国稳固的石油供应,保护美国的经济好处;再次是在南亚履行年夜致均衡的交际,增强与印度的协作,同时看重成长与巴基斯坦的关系,把南亚列国归入美国引导下的反恐同盟,袭击恐惧主义;最初在南亚组建以美国引导的平安系统,使南亚局面处于可控状况。第三部门剖析美国南亚政策对中国的作用及中国的对策。我国西部的军事平安压力增年夜;恐惧份子的“回流”作用我国平安;美国抓紧了对印巴核兵器的制裁,印巴的核比赛威逼我国平安;新疆、西藏的内部情况好转。基于此,我国要提倡“互信、互利、对等、协作”的新平安不雅;增强与南亚列国的平安协作,树立健全平安对话机制;增长中巴军事协作的通明度,树立中印巴关系的良性互动;深化与南亚国度之间的经贸协作,经由过程经济协作增进政治互信;积极展开多边交际,增长中国交际的盘旋余地。


This paper on "9 - 11" matters after the position of South Asia in American global strategy, the United States South Asia policy is an important content of stop interpretation, analysis of the American South Asia policy of our country safe place effect and puts forward our countermeasures. The full text is divided into 3 departments. The first section analyzes the position of South Asia in the global strategy of the United States. South Asia is one of the United States to contain China and Russia's strategic locations, is to avoid the spread of nuclear weapons the key areas, is the main battlefield of terrorism attacks, is an important channel of Oriental oil transportation through. South Asia's position in the global strategy of the United States increased, the United States and the United States to increase the attention of South asia. The second part explains the important content of the South Asian policy of the United States. Chapeau is the growth and India's military and security cooperation, adhere to in the south of garrison, to curb the Sino Russian strategic space; secondly is through the process to South Asia infiltration, opening the South Asian markets to ensure the stable oil supply, protect the economic benefits of the United States; again is in South Asian shoe line of night balanced communication, enhance cooperation with India, at the same time value growth relationship with Pakistan, South Asian Nations belong to the United States under the guidance of coalition against terrorism, terrorism attacks; originally in South Asia set up by the United States to guide the safe system, so that the situation in South Asia office in controlled conditions. The third section analyzes the impact of South Asian policy on China and China's countermeasures. In the western part of China's military security pressure increases; the terrorists "backflow" influence China's peace; the United States pay close attention to the sanctions on India and Pakistan nuclear weapons, India and Pakistan's nuclear competition threaten our security; Xinjiang, Tibet's internal situation better. Based on this, our country should advocate "mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and cooperation" of the new security concept; enhanced cooperation with South Asian Nations peace, establish a sound security dialogue mechanism; growth of Sino Pakistani military collaboration transparency, establish the benign interaction of the India Pakistan Relations; deepen with the economic cooperation and trade between the South Asian country, through the process of economic cooperation to enhance mutual political trust; actively carry out multilateral communication and growth in China's diplomacy maneuver leeway.


一、“9.11”后南亚在美国全球战略中的地位   5-15       (一)“9.11”后南亚在美国全球战略中的地位上升   6-8       (二)南亚是美国反恐的主战场之一   8-10       (三)南亚是美国遏制中俄的战略要地   10-13       (四)南亚是核扩散的潜在地区   13-15       (五)南亚是贯通东西方石油运输的重要通道   15   二、美国南亚政策的主要内容及具体方法   15-30       (一)挤压中俄战略空间   16-19       (二)打击恐怖主义   19-21       (三)确保美国经济利益   21-25       (四)促进南亚核军控   25-27       (五)构建美国主导的南亚安全体系   27-28       (六)推动克什米尔问题的最终解决   28-30   三、美国南亚政策对我国的作用及我们的对策   30-45       (一) 对中国安全的作用   31-35       (二) 中国的应对   35-45   参考文献   45-48  
