
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



The civil examination system is a major judicial supervision system of civil litigation. This paper to Russia's recent scrutiny rail of the fundamental meaning for starting point, on the basis of the analysis of Russia's recent review of historical institutional clue, examination of the current Russian plain about censorship system for generating the social premise, discusses the basic content of the Russian civilian censorship, so that I civil censorship and the Russian plain nearly about censorship of stop own comparison, analyzes the defects of China's current plain about censorship of, proposed China and Russia plain near about censorship of experience and mutual learning with plan. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the text is divided three chapters: the first chapter important is discussed the basic theory for civilian censorship of, including details of the Russian plain about censorship of the basic meaning, Russian civilian censorship review and Russian civilian trial check rail of the generation of the premise. The second chapter is important to Russia review long involved in the plain near the court, Judicial Discourse according to Russia and review long in the plain near the court judicial position and power operation method, in order to analyze the Russian civilian censorship of all of the operating system. The third chapter is the comparison between China and Russia in the two public civil examination system, and puts forward the perfect and the two public civil review of the proposed system.


中文摘要   2-3   Abstract   3   引言   6-8   第一章 俄罗斯民事检察制度的基本理论   8-21       第一节 民事检察监督制度的基本含义   8-10           一、民事检察监督制度的基本含义   8-10           二、俄罗斯民事检察制度的基本涵义   10       第二节 俄罗斯民事检察制度的历时性审视   10-16           一、1917年前沙皇俄国时期的民事检察制度   11-13           二、1917年十月革命后及苏联加盟共和国时期(1922年-1991年)的俄罗斯民事检察制度   13-16       第三节 俄罗斯民事检察制度的生成条件   16-21           一、俄罗斯民事检察制度理论基础形成的宪政因素   16-17           二、俄罗斯民事检察制度理论基础形成的法制因素   17-20           三、俄罗斯民事检察制度形成的社会政治背景   20-21   第二章 俄罗斯民事检察制度的基本内容   21-31       第一节 俄罗斯检察长在民事诉讼中的检察权   21-25           一、提起公诉权   21-22           二、参与诉讼程序权   22           三、提出抗诉权   22-23           四、优先发言权   23           五、调阅和探讨案件权   23           六、提出结论权   23-24           七、执法监督权   24           八、特定条件下获当事人全部诉讼权利   24-25       第二节 俄罗斯检察机关参与民事诉讼的受案范围与参诉方式   25-27           一、俄罗斯检察机关参与民事诉讼受案范围   25-26           二、俄罗斯检察机关参与民事诉讼的方式   26-27       第三节 转型时期俄罗斯联邦民事检察制度的发展趋势   27-31           一、宪政法治精神为民事检察制度指明了发展路径   28           二、“以人为本”是民事检察制度的价值目标   28-29           三、强调公共利益与私人利益的异同性,重视对公益诉讼的保护,体现了检察官干预民事诉讼的公益性目标   29           四、俄罗斯检察长在民事诉讼法中的地位有弱化的趋势   29-31   第三章 中俄两国民事检察监督制度经验互鉴   31-43       第一节 中俄民事检察制度之比较   31-37           一、我国民事检察基本制度   31-34           二、中俄民事检察制度之比较   34-37       第二节 完善中俄两国民事检察监督制度的建议   37-43           一、应赋予中国检察机关民事公诉权,俄罗斯检察机关应明确民事公诉权   37-38           二、有限地赋予中国检察机关的民事抗诉权,俄语论文,相对限制俄罗斯检察机关的民事抗诉权   38-40           三、中俄民事监督权的明确且规范化   40-43   结语   43-44   参考文献   44-46   致谢   46-47  
