
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



"The Bible" is not only the classical literature of Christianity, as a type of encyclopedia, is the main source of the Oriental civilization. It is a world scale magazine for the longest time, target language versions of most, circulations in the eve, the popularity of the most widely, the vast readers, of all ethnic groups with the most profound effect a religious civilization history books. Although the study of the Bible writings have abnormal. However the Chinese Bible translation and Russian translation stop analysis of comparison research in Bible study, not much to see, to Russian versions of the Bible and versions of translation studies is a worth doing mean the righteousness of the research topic. In this paper, learning to speak as the analysis framework, from use, synchronic, micro indecent three layer face Chinese translation of the Bible and Russian versions of compare research, research involves the Bible translation and Russian translation history, translation strategies and methods. Through comparison, the invention of the translators of the two countries in translating religious civilizations exist difference, the formation of the reasons for these differences is in many aspects, including translators in their differences to geography, history civilization with the king. In different historical times "Bible" Sino Russian version and detailed examples of translation translation comparative study of culture loaded words in the invention, the China and Russia the translators' translation theory and principles, strategies and methods for existing similar place. They are applied to the domestication and assimilation of two kinds of strategies, adopt literal translation and free translation phase joint translation wrist, so as to achieve both useful in disseminating the traditional Christian civilization and easy readers browsing target. The beginning of the paper pointed out that the comparative study of the Chinese and Russian translation of the Bible is not only beneficial to the cross cultural exchanges between the two countries, but also has its own influence on the translation of the works of religious civilization.


摘要   3-4   Abstract   4   第一章 引言   6-9       1.1 《圣经》翻译的探讨近况及课题的提出   6-7       1.2 探讨目的和意义   7       1.3 探讨内容和探讨措施   7-9   第二章 《圣经》中译本和俄译本的历史发展进程及其翻译特点   9-22       2.1 《圣经》在中国的翻译历史   9-13       2.2 《圣经》在俄罗斯的翻译历史   13-19       2.3 《圣经》中译本和俄译本翻译特点的差异之处   19-22   第三章 《圣经》中译本和《圣经》俄译本的翻译准则和措施   22-34       3.1 《圣经》中译本的翻译准则和措施   22-28       3.2 《圣经》俄译本的翻译准则和措施   28-32       3.3 《圣经》中俄译本在翻译准则与措施上的相似之处   32-34   第四章 中、俄《圣经》翻译中的文化因素   34-38       4.1 俄语中源自《圣经》的文化负载词   34-37       4.2 中国传统文化与《圣经》的翻译   37-38   第五章 结语   38-39   参考文献   39-42   致谢   42  
