
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19

现代俄罗斯报刊说话寻求自在化、多元化,寻求说话表示力。说话游戏(языковая игра)作为进步说话表示力的主要手腕在现代俄罗斯报刊中获得普遍应用。所谓说话游戏,就是说话游戏时措辞人的言语行动,俄语论文,以成心地损坏说话的体系关系、言语标准为基本,发明偏离传统标准的说话情势,俄语毕业论文,取得表示力感化和修辞后果。本论文以报刊说话为研究客体,以说话游戏为研究对象,重要剖析了现代俄罗斯报刊中的说话游戏手腕的运用情形。本文分为绪论、注释和停止语三年夜部门。绪论部门阐述了本论文的研究目标,概述了现代俄罗斯报刊中说话游戏研究的实际价值和理论价值。注释部门分为三章:第一章较具体地引见了说话游戏的提出进程,并对国际外研究汗青停止了回想;对后人的释义停止梳理、提炼,确立了较完美的释义;浅析了说话游戏的语用价值。第二章阐释了现代俄罗斯报刊的重要功效;对现代俄罗斯报刊说话的特色做了剖析;总结了现代俄罗斯报刊中说话游戏所具有的功效。第三章拔取现代俄罗斯报刊为研究素材,对各个层面(语音、书写、构词、辞汇、词法、句法和篇章)说话游戏的表达手腕停止综合归结。结语部门对全文停止了总结。


Modern Russian newspapers talk to seek freedom, diversity, seeking to speak. Speaking games (as for hallux kappa Liapunov's pgfla part, this paper studies.) as a progressive talk that force of important means in modern Russian newspapers for widespread use. The so-called speaking games is talking game words of speech act and speak to intentionally damage relations system, speech standards for basic, invention deviates from the traditional standard language forms, influence and rhetorical effects. This paper takes the newspaper talk as the research object, takes the speech game as the research object, and analyzes the application situation of the speech game in the modern Russian newspapers and periodicals. This thesis is divided into three major departments: introduction, comment and stop language. The introduction section describes the research objectives of this thesis, and summarizes the practical value and theoretical value of the study on the game of talking in modern Russian newspapers and periodicals. The comment section is divided into three chapters: the first chapter introduces the process of the speech game, and the history of the international and foreign research is stopped; the interpretation of the future generations to sort out, refine, establish a more perfect interpretation of the pragmatic value of the game. The second chapter explains the important functions of the modern Russian newspapers and periodicals, analyzes the characteristics of the modern Russian newspapers and periodicals, and summarizes the functions of the Games in the modern Russian newspapers and periodicals. The third chapter select the modern Russian newspapers and periodicals as the research material, on all levels (voice, writing, word formation, vocabulary, syntax and discourse) speech game to the expression of the wrist. The conclusion section summarizes the whole paper.


摘要   4   Резюме   5-9   绪论   9-12   第一章 语言游戏概述   12-25       第一节 “语言游戏”的提出和探讨历史回顾   12-18           一、“语言游戏”的提出   12-15           二、对语言游戏探讨历史的回顾   15-18       第二节 语言游戏的定义   18-21       第三节 语言游戏的语用价值   21-24       本章小结   24-25   第二章 当代俄罗斯报刊语言概述   25-38       第一节 当代俄罗斯报刊的主要功能   25-28           一、报导功能   26-27           二、感染功能   27-28       第二节 当代俄罗斯报刊语言的特点   28-34           一、报刊语言的词汇特点   28-30           二、报刊语言的构词特点   30-31           三、报刊语言的词法特点   31-32           四、报刊语言的句法特点   32-34       第三节 语言游戏在报刊中的功能   34-37           一、创造功能   35-36           二、评价功能   36-37           三、美学功能   37       本章小结   37-38   第三章 当代俄罗斯报刊中语言游戏的表达手段   38-57       第一节 表达语言游戏的语音手段   38-40           一、押韵法   39           二、同音法   39-40           三、首语重复   40       第二节 表达语言游戏的书写手段   40-42           一、突出显示缩略语   41           二、突出显示专有名词   41-42           三、突出显示普通名词   42       第三节 表达语言游戏的词汇手段   42-45           一、多义词   43           二、同音异义词   43-44           三、同义词   44-45       第四节 表达语言游戏的构词手段   45-49           一、词缀构词   45-46           二、类比构词   46           三、跨级构词   46-47           四、错合法   47-48           五、缩略语   48-49           六、外来词谐音构词   49       第五节 表达语言游戏的语法手段   49-51           一、词法手段   49-50           二、句法手段   50-51       第六节 表达语言游戏的篇章手段   51-56           一、熟语   52-53           二、经典文学著作   53-54           三、口号   54           四、歌曲和电影   54-55           五、童话和神话   55-56       本章小结   56-57   结论   57-58   参考文献   58-62   致谢   62  
