
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



United Russia party in 2017, the fifth session of the State Duma election victory made more than two thirds of the seats, the smooth become Russia nearly twenty years of history the first complete "regime party", assure the supreme power in the State Duma useful to master. Along with the further development of the bilateral friendly relations between China and Russia, the strategic benefits between the two countries approached the increasingly rigorous, of Russian "regime party" profound research and China's national interest and the national peace of each other's concerns. Tectonic worldly possessions in Eastern gasification in Russia, the other party interaction in international politics, and regional and national seminars on research lies in its understanding of the shape of the structure and growth, the decision mechanism of the translocation and transformation, growing to meet performance and countermeasures, based on historical research approach; however, the monarch IACON, from the same party underground data analysis start, especially the leaders and the political parties in the Duma, match the competitiveness of research, definition of the Russian State Duma of the structural model, the application of economic organization and department practice, game theory thinking improve landremising transactions can guess party resolution plans to grow the strategy model is expected.


摘要   3-4   Abstract   4   引言   6-8   第一章 统一俄罗斯党出现之前的俄罗斯政党概况   8-18       第一节 1993 年之前的俄罗斯政党格局   8-10           一、俄罗斯从苏联时期的一党制到多党制变化的原因   8-9           二、俄罗斯多党制初期的“光谱”分布   9-10       第二节 1993 年第一届国家杜马   10-14           一、1993 年第一届国家杜马选举后的俄罗斯政党格局   10-11           二、第一届俄罗斯联邦国家杜马中的“政权党”--俄罗斯民主选择党   11-14       第三节 第二届国家杜马选举中的“政权党”--“我们的家园--俄罗斯”   14-18   第二章 统一俄罗斯党的形成   18-26       第一节 统一俄罗斯党的发展历程   18-20           一、从统一俄罗斯党党员人数的变化是该党发展历程的缩影   18-19           二、从跨地区“团结”竞选联盟到统一俄罗斯党   19-20       第二节 统一俄罗斯党的纲领主张   20-26           一、思想,意识形态   20-23           二、统一俄罗斯党的组织结构   23-24           三、统一俄罗斯党的群众基础   24-26   第三章 统一俄罗斯党在第五届国家杜马中议员情况的数量略论   26-34       第一节 统一俄罗斯党在第五届国家杜马的近况   26-27       第二节 议员具体情况的数量图表   27-34   第四章 统一俄罗斯党未来的博弈   34-39       一、俄罗斯政党“结构”的经济学思路探讨   34-36       二、寡头垄断结构下的主导型个体的策略   36-37       三、从“智猪型”博弈,俄语论文网站,看统俄党与俄罗斯其他政党的关系   37-39   附录1:最高委员会办公厅   39-45   附录2:统一俄罗斯党党主席   45-46   附录3:统一俄罗斯党最高委员会主席   46-47   参考文献   47-49   后记   49  
