
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



One of the most important research is Russia to fight after all grew up, and points out the theme in the study of different forms and methods, in the whole research process author reference the large amount of references, combined with the interviews, forums, social investigation, etc way, in order to make the eve of the home to constitute a more profound understanding. Through the discussion on the process of Russia to fight after the author draws the following conclusions: first, the history is long to fight after Russia, can be traced back to the modern. The growth and the growth of the country to fight after a direct contact. Therefore, we can say that the Russia and the fight after the growth process is a mutual contact, close, medium the growth can probably improve the growth of the other party. Second, the growth of modern fighting skills compared to modern entirely different. Every period has its own fighting skills are rules and growth situation. It depends on us to understand the level and exercise the goal of fighting skills. Now the international and the international situation makes we can fight from various angles on operation, the perception of their position, understand their goals. Visit the results show fight after the goal of individual exercise do the essay in the process of social inquiry. Everyone wants to get through the process of fighting itself wants: self-defense skills, find their interest so as to effectively use the time, reduce the pressure, energy foundation foundation. Some people through the process of finding the fight after exercise for compliance "". But it was the performance of the peculiarity of fighting skills. Because Russia across the Eurasian continent peculiar geographical position, modern Russia to fight after the variety of detailed situation single and affects mutually, similar to fight after the total 80, among the masses of almost a 20. Third, each kind of fighting skills in order to be able to obtain further growth must show itself in different levels: finally in the society, and is the national level. Now the whole society and the country to fight after gave great concern about it, this growth process plays a very positive influence. Fourth, in view of the goal of individual exercise fighting skills, so the teaching way is different. The three basic separation of teaching activities, the traditional way is to type and individualized way. The goal of these measures is also different, even the same kind of exercises are fighting, exercise can obtain different consequences. In applications such as good or bad consequences to describe the initial results of the exercise is not appropriate. The author thought that this understanding is not suitable for the category in the fight. Fight with peculiar place is perfect without limit, people can at any age, any place, any time exercises to fight after and is in doing morning exercises may be washing dishes at the moment of ceaseless and perfect our skills and talents, because all fight after basically is to expand our hearts. Energy is the first, then it is a skill. Through research we understand that, as no other country like Russia to fight after the content of collecting vientiane. Research in the process of fighting skills we can't will be arranged, only as a whole to study. The content can be from different angles to understand, so this paper first made the conclusion might be controversial but not the same scale. Writing process of the thesis author browse the massive literature material, with different categories of people stop exchange (politicians, athletes, popular workers), aware of every individual discussion of each things and scenes and understanding are not the same. Although any process goal is to move forward, but not recognized by each process will take off and the rise of experience. Compared to your own neighbors than he did not want some good, truly meaningful is your self perfect level. The Russians forgotten many of the history, and the fighting is just contact with the future of the link too. Through the process of research on Russian fighting skills and growth we can more deeply understand and familiar with the self.

