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This topic will today in a decline of the situation and face again ZTE Russia as a big country to study, trying to Russia big country of the rise and fall of the application of theory research in previous the rise and fall of the reason and discipline and to the resurgence of Russian stop analysis and speculation, with a view through the process of Russia the country the rise and fall of research and analysis, the rise and fall of the country of the eve of the actual stop some kind of remedy, and concluded the response. In a sense, we can say that the history of international relations in modern history is a history of relations between the countries in reality, and the most direct result of the evolution of international relations is the most direct result of the country's prosperity and decline. Is to the rise and fall of the eve of the country and discipline has become a major research field of international relations. As the Soviet Union in the sense of the continuation of the international law, Russia is still a big country. It is to take Russia as a big country to study is one of the main contents of the study of modern international relations, especially the relations between the two countries. Tomorrow, Russia about the world and even on Russia itself, is still a mystery". Can Russia again ZTE? What level can Russia ZTE? This is about two of the most basic achievements of modern russia. As long as the answer to these questions, the ability to truly solve the mystery of russia". Russia is the largest Chinese neighbors, the history of the two countries have had a lot of hatred. Russia after independence, through the cooperation of both sides of the effort, between China and Russia in 1996 to establish a "strategic partnership", the two countries in the field of political, economic, military, cultural and communication launched a universal collaboration, and in establishing a multipolar world, protection of the world war, promoting common development obtained remarkable result. In July 2001, the two countries signed for a period of 20 years of "Sino Russian good neighborly and friendly cooperation contract", the relations between the two countries promoted to a new stage, our two countries and two peoples "lasting friendship, never to enemy laid the basic judicial; at the same time, Russia is a less early big country, a in the recession which will eventually come to again the resurgence of big country. In the future, the rise and fall of Russia will not only affect the growth of Sino Russian relations, and affect China's security, stability and growth, but also is bound to have a serious impact on the future of the new international format. In the future, the study on the future of ZTE's ability and limitation in Russia will be of great practical and realistic significance to the development of our country's twenty-first Century international political strategy and strategy of Russia. Firstly, from the point of view of the rise and fall of the eve of the discipline of Russian resurgence scores, important from three aspects are discussed: to Paul Kennedy's the eve of the rise and fall of the actual as the argument of the basic and the stop briefly introduce and review; the second is elaborated Russia today though in recession which but is still a big country; three is big country of application of Paul Kennedy's rise and fall of the actual some achievements of the Russian ZTE stop thinking. The paper then analyzes the rise and fall of Russia and its causes, and from the historical point of view, the three rise and fall of Russian history, the process of analysis and discussion. This paper focuses on the discussion of Russia to ZTE and limitations, pointed out that the new political system actually made Russia chose ZTE growth path and objective, independent after Russia still has humanistic premise and the basic economic ZTE, science and technology degree and military strength is the main guarantee of Russian ZTE; but now Russia's strategic space reduce the dream with the actual Russian ZTE big country of Fudan University doctoral dissertation, Chinese outline geopolitical situation improved, economic recovery is weak, the international competitiveness, reduce the national temperament strange, expand the mind ingrained, all this will affect the length of time and level of Russian zte. The initially attributed the following three achievements Russia ZTE shoulder heavy responsibilities, 21st century Russia Venice superpower - the dream, ZTE after Russia will become the main pole of the format of a multi polar world. 目录: |