
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Russia as the world's military, has a rich tradition and experience of military communication, and establish a complete system of governance and decision making mechanism, and constitutes a unique military style and characteristics of the military. This article tries to make a comprehensive and systematic examination of the theory and practice of modern Russian military communication by taking the position of Marx and the point of view. At the same time, the Army Science and communication science point of view, comprehensive application of geo political theory, communicative resolution plan, military alliance and contain the actual, analysis and study of the original data, discuss topics important aspects and elements, focus on the fundamental concept of military communication and internal, blue sweat evolution, actual composition, operation methods, decision-making mechanism, fundamental characteristics and development trend and influence of stopped perceptual theory summary, draw a conclusion objectively. The whole paper is divided into seven chapters, according to the actual and theoretical system to assess. The first chapter defines the basic concept, the internal and the connotation of the military communication, understanding the object of study and the field, the content and the situation, etc.. The second chapter briefly recall the evolution of tsarist Russia to the Soviet Union, and modern Russian military communication, analyzes the influence of identity. The third chapter comprehensively expounds the actual composition of military communication, and summarizes the actual system elements of a communication practice, military practice and security practice, and tries to find out the practical system architecture of military communication. On the basis of this, it is concluded that the guidance principle, basic idea and strategic art of military communication. The fourth chapter focuses on the analysis of the results of the communication plan, focusing on the analysis of the judicial basis, the system of management system and the form of decision plan and its causes, characteristics, operation methods and procedures. Chapter five focuses on military communication theory of motion, from global, regional and national three structured review, research mode of operation, such as the mechanism of form and behavior form, and focus on the discuss the tend to focus on anti missile communication, only CIS communication and foreign military technical cooperation. The sixth chapter deep analysis of Russian military communication alliance, balanced, containment and retreat characteristics. The seventh chapter is the conclusion of the development trend of Russian military communication and the impact of the analysis of speculation, and make a conclusion and conclusion.


摘要   3-4   Abstract   4   导论   7-14       一、论文的选题   7-8       二、国内外探讨近况   8-10       三、课题探讨目的和意义   10-12       四、探讨措施与创新点   12-13       五、薄弱环节与不足   13-14   第一章 军事外交的基本内涵   14-27       第一节 军事外交的基本概念   14-23       第二节 军事外交的相关概念   23       第三节 军事外交的探讨范畴   23-24       第四节 军事外交的内容和形式   24-25       第五节 军事外交的基本特征   25-27   第二章 俄罗斯军事外交的历史演进   27-49       第一节 沙俄时期的军事外交   27-31       第二节 苏联时期的军事外交   31-38       第三节 当代俄罗斯军事外交   38-40       第四节 作用俄罗斯军事外交的主要因素   40-49   第三章 当代俄罗斯军事外交的理论体系   49-75       第一节 俄罗斯军事外交的理论基础   49-59       第二节 俄罗斯军事外交的政策目标、基本准则和策略   59-64       第三节 俄罗斯军事外交的指导思想   64-75   第四章 当代俄罗斯军事外交的决策机制   75-106       第一节 俄罗斯军事外交的法学依据   75-85       第二节 俄罗斯军事外交的管理体制和决策机制   85-101       第三节 俄罗斯军事外交的决策模式   101-103       第四节 俄罗斯军事外交决策机制的总体评价   103-106   第五章 当代俄罗斯军事外交的实施与运作   106-160       第一节 军事外交的实践层次   106-147       第二节 俄罗斯军事外交的运作方式   147-156       第三节 俄罗斯军事外交的重点方向   156-160   第六章 当代俄罗斯军事外交的基本特征   160-178       第一节 俄罗斯军事外交的平衡性   160-164       第二节 俄罗斯军事外交的联盟性   164-168       第三节 俄罗斯军事外交的遏制性   168-172       第四节 俄罗斯军事外交的务实性   172-178   结语 当代俄罗斯军事外交的作用与发展趋势   178-185       第一节 当代俄罗斯军事外交的深远作用   178-181       第二节 当代俄罗斯军事外交的发展趋势   181-185   结束语   185-186   附录 A 近年俄军与外军举行联合军事演习情况   186-188   附录 B 俄罗斯驻外军事基地及实力   188-189   附图4.1 俄罗斯签署的各类国际条约和协议   189-190   附图4.2 安全会议常设跨部门委员会结构图   190-191   附图4.3 俄联邦总参情报总局机构设置   191-192   附图4.4 俄联邦总参谋部机构设置   192-193   附图5.1 独联体集体安全条约组织结构   193-194   附图5.2 俄罗斯驻海外军事基地   194-195   主要参考文献(中、外文)   195-199   后记   199-200  
