
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



The ancient management center to encourage more and more major achievements. Staff encouragement is an important guarantee for the effective use of capital and the potential of the staff to arouse their potential. Encourage the important purpose is to apply the existing human capital, so that enterprises get the best results. Encouraging results in the former Soviet era and the present Russian history of a certain time. There are many studies on this aspect of the Soviet era, and often the experience of many ancestors will be conveyed to all parts of the country. At the time of the actual East (Maslo, Al Defour, Hertz Berger) has also been research. But there was no change in the Soviet Union's collapse over the next 10 years to encourage theory and rest. Whether it is academic circles still have a lack of incentive for employees to encourage academic research, especially for the study of Russian national conditions is more important, which greatly limits the promotion of corporate governance in Russia, and thus greatly limits the growth of Russian companies. At present, with the awakening and stability of the Russian economy, in this category has a change in the change, most of the Russian state-owned, private enterprises from the theory to understand: the new market economic relations victory depends on the advanced, useful form of rest. The Russian Railway Company as an exemplar of the state-owned enterprises strange had invented to encourage the rest, and to encourage forms continuously improved. Russia Railway Company (Rostelekom) is one of the biggest enterprises in the Russian telecommunications industry, was founded in 1993, the company in the whole of Russia in the supply of business, the largest city in Russia has set up 17 branches throughout the country. Enterprises in the task of the times constitute a special business relationship, the company became the first company in russia. Although the enterprise to encourage the form is improved ceaselessly, however, TieTong company like many other Russian companies as not to prevent the improper application of human capital performance. In my opinion, the Russian Railway as a model of state-owned enterprises, the extent of its governance is sufficient to represent the status quo of the level of corporate governance in russia. I wish to pass through the process of the company's staff to encourage the achievement of the study, most of the Russian business staff to encourage the status quo and form of understanding. And the desire in this basically, draw the common method that Russia company staff encourages to encourage, common frame and common form. And this undoubtedly has a very important practical and practical significance. This article is to take the questionnaire survey, interview, data analysis and the actual phase of the way to Russia China Railway Corporation Ulam Uhde branch of the incentive form and status of the analysis, research, and the results of the invention, and the improvement of the system and the implementation of the method. Important summary of the following: (1) in the understanding of the research background, objectives, methods and significance, the East, China and Russia, the basic concepts and significance of the fundamental concept and significance of the classic, encourage the actual staff to encourage the approach, the Russian, East and China, and other aspects of the review, further understanding of the research results. (2) on the day, the United States, Western Europe and Russia to encourage the form of staff to encourage more research, analysis of the characteristics of the form of encouragement. This to my later study to determine a very solid basic. (3) on the Russian railway company's materials to encourage the form and non material to encourage the form of analysis. On this basis, through a questionnaire survey and statistical analysis methods to analyze the current situation of China Railway Company's encouragement, that is, material to encourage the status quo, to encourage the status quo, job promotion status, the status quo of the task, the opportunity to complete the status quo, the spirit of the atmosphere of the atmosphere. (4) in this paper, we put forward the improvement measures and implementation methods, namely, from the rest of the situation, the difference between the encouragement, the purpose of encouragement, mental encouragement and fair encouragement to encourage five aspects of the specific discussion and design is divided into 7 stages of the implementation of the improved method. The first, summarizes the research results of this dissertation, and draw the conclusion.

