
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Russia's nuclear strategy is to continue in the former Soviet Union nuclear strategy basically, in the face after the cold war Russia gradually formed the international practice. Adjust the strategic nuclear policy and nuclear era after the infighting infighting on time and even now has exerted a far-reaching influence, as Russia's neighbors, facing the nuclear security situation Chinese strictly in nowadays, in the surrounding nuclear posture continuously improved and international nuclear non-proliferation situation encountered under the severe challenges, we need to Chinese country safety limits, in response to the constantly changing international situation. This paper analyzed actual application way of realism and fantasy, in combination, in the occupation of large amount of history materials basically, evaluation of the cold war and after the cold war Russia's nuclear strategy, and further analyzes its impact on national security Chinese. In the analysis of reality and reason basically, we try to change gradually clear touch of Russia and Soviet era nuclear power, and continuously adjust its reason to visit nuclear; after the cold war, facing the international situation complex, facing the strict test of the international nuclear non-proliferation, Russia adopted in response to a series of countermeasures, as Chinese face, a vast nuclear weapon country outflanks the reality, we should strengthen the nuclear prevention awareness, establish people's nuclear security concept, the protection of national security Chinese. Research shows the international community today, in the face of the dual nuclear safety domain security threat, the most important thing is to continue the nuclear non-proliferation system is the impact of international nuclear country continuously increasing, the second is the application of nuclear safety, international nuclear applications and nuclear radiation, nuclear leakage harm to humans, so we there is a need for international nuclear safety research, promote the human war for nuclear applications.


摘要   4-5   ABSTRACT   5   绪论   8-14       0.1 选题背景与意义   8-10       0.2 国内外探讨近况   10-11       0.3 本文的探讨措施   11-12       0.4 本文的创新点、难点与不足   12-13       0.5 本文基本框架   13-14   1 冷战后俄罗斯核战略的形成与演进   14-22       1.1 前苏联的核战略及其世界作用   14-16           1.1.1 前苏联的核战略   14-15           1.1.2 前苏联核战略的世界作用   15-16       1.2 冷战后世界核安全形势的新情况   16-18           1.2.1 核竞争日趋激烈   16-17           1.2.2 核安全意识加强   17-18           1.2.3 改革核安全机制的呼声高涨   18       1.3 俄罗斯核战略的制定   18-22           1.3.1 叶利钦政府的核战略   18-19           1.3.2 普京政府的核战略   19-21           1.3.3 梅德韦杰夫政府的核战略   21-22   2 俄罗斯核战略的内容及特点   22-29       2.1 俄罗斯核战略的内容   22-25           2.1.1 核武器的使用战略   22-23           2.1.2 核力量的发展战略   23-24           2.1.3 核能的利用战略   24-25           2.1.4 对有核及无核国家的战略   25       2.2 俄罗斯核战略的特点   25-29           2.2.1 以核威慑为核战略的核心   25-26           2.2.2 注重双重遏制影响   26-27           2.2.3 将优先发展战略核武器列为首位   27           2.2.4 突出战术战役核武器的影响   27-29   3 冷战后俄罗斯核战略调整的作用   29-36       3.1 对俄罗斯自身的作用   29-30           3.1.1 稳定了国内形势   29           3.1.2 拓展了国际外交空间   29-30       3.2 对国际核安全机制及核安全形势的作用   30-31           3.2.1 对改革国际核安全机制的作用   30-31           3.2.2 对核安全形式的作用   31       3.3 对俄罗斯周边核安全形势的作用   31-33           3.3.1 对独联体国家的作用   31-32           3.3.2 对欧洲的作用   32           3.3.3 对东北亚的作用   32-33       3.4 对中国的作用及中国应采取的对策   33-36           3.4.1 对中国的作用   33-34           3.4.2 中国应采取的对策   34-36   结语   36-37   参考文献   37-39   致谢   39-40  
