摘要:俄罗斯民族使用俄语的规则均体现在他们交际时使用的句子之中,俄语中共有5套句子成分主语、谓语、定语、补语、状语,与汉语不同的是,俄语论文范文,汉语中有6套句子成分主语、谓语、宾语、定语、补语、状语。汉语中的宾语大体上相当于俄语中的补语,俄语专业论文,但是在使用方面又存在一定差别。本文就俄汉此方面的异同做一些对比略论。 Abstract:The ethnic Russian population of Russian rule reflected in their communicative use of sentences, the Russian of the Communist Party of China has five sets of sentence elements: subject, predicate, attributive, complement and adverbial and is different from Chinese, the Chinese have six sets of sentence elements: subject, predicate, object, attributive, complement and adverbial. In Chinese, the object is roughly equivalent to the complement in the Russian, but there are some differences in the use of. This paper do some comparative analysis on the differences between Russian and Chinese in this area. 引言:在俄语的句子里词和词之间的关系用变格/变位等变化来表示,他们之间通常有一致关系和支配关系,如,Явижукрасивыхбелыхпингвинов.(我看见漂亮的白色企鹅。)这样的句子和汉语完全不同,汉语中完全没有俄语中的一致关系,这里形容词、名词在性数格方面 |