摘要:世界上不同的国家、不同的民族都有自己的语言,俄语论文范文,任何一种民族语言都像一面镜子,反映出该民族的民族特征、历史文化及其内涵。其中作为语言精华的成语,言简意赅,寓意深刻,具有丰富的民族文化内涵。但不同的语言承载着不同背景的文化信息,俄语毕业论文,在文化内涵方面有着显著的异同。文中以部分成语为实例,简要地从文化方面阐述了汉英俄三种不同语言的所蕴藏的文化内涵的差异。 Abstract:Different countries, different nations have their own language, any kind of national language is like a mirror, reflecting the nation's ethnic characteristics, historical culture and its connotation. Which is the essence of language idioms, concise and comprehensive, profound, with rich cultural connotations. But different languages carry different cultural information, and there are significant differences in cultural connotation. In this paper, some idioms are examples, and the similarities and differences of cultural connotation between Chinese and English from three kinds of different languages are briefly discussed. 引言:前苏联语言学家B·Tak曾指出:“比较是语言探讨的基本措施(可能甚至是唯一的措施)”。又说:“对比语言学的任务……即比较两种或几种语言的语言事实,以便找出其差异之处”。本文拟从汉、俄、英成语文化意义的略论、比较入手,以点带面,揭示民族文化异同。揭示成语的民族文化特 |