
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



German civilization has experienced the glory, also experienced the same attack. Culture is the process require a certain amount of, fascist era of German culture in the history of German civilization very special, it was also the many factors, include historical identity, such as: a war Germany's defeat and the Versailles peace treaty "signed agency, 1929 1933 economic crisis; the identity of thinking, such as: rooted in nationalism complex, has a long history of militarism tradition and Hegel, Fichte, Nietzsche, philosophy thinking. After the Nazi party to step down, the civilized community in Germany by the harsh civilization bundle policy, "skoob activities" and "talent of the eve of the cleaning activities have sprung up, German civilization from a new shuffle, civilization emerged out of political bias, the bias especially in literature, music, film, in the construction of. In addition, the anti Semitism in Germany has a long history, but followed Hitler "racist" and "living space" theory proposed, in the fascist rulers era German anti Semitic civilization reached the boom, the Nazi authorities formulated a series of anti Semitic policies, one of the most tragic is the eve of the killing. Battle can be stopped, but the impact of civilization will not end, the fascist era of German civilization in the history of its civilization left a permanent can not erase the.


中文摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   绪论   8-13   第一章 理论基础   13-18       第一节 什么是文化   13-14       第二节 德国文化的形成   14-17           一、 古希腊罗马文化   15-16           二、 基督教文化   16-17           三、 与众不同的德国因素   17       本章小结   17-18   第二章 从文化的历史视角浅析法西斯时期的德国文化--法西斯时期德国文化溯源   18-29       第一节 历史渊源   18-22           一、 一战德国惨败和《凡尔赛和约》的签订   18-20           二、 1929— 1933 经济危机   20-21           三、 希特勒上台   21-22       第二节 思想渊源   22-28           一、 根深蒂固的民族主义情结   23-24           二、 历史悠久的尚武精神和军国主义传统   24-26           三、 哲学根源   26-28       本章小结   28-29   第三章 从文化的社会视角浅析法西斯时期的德国文化   29-42       第一节 法西斯时期的德国文化政策   29-34           一、 焚书运动   29-31           二、 人才大清洗   31-32           三、 文化管制政策   32-34       第二节 法西斯时期德国文化现象的具体表现   34-40           一、 法西斯时期的德国文学   34-36           二、 法西斯时期的德国音乐   36-38           三、 法西斯时期的德国电影   38-39           四、 法西斯时期的德国绘画与建筑   39-40       本章小结   40-42   第四章 浅析法西斯时期德国的反犹文化   42-48       第一节 纳粹为什么残害犹太人?   42-44       第二节 德国法西斯的反犹政策   44-46       本章小结   46-48   结语   48-53   参考文献   53-56   致谢   56  
