
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



The vast majority of literary critics and research are regarded as elegant Anna Sig creation life of giant peak "the Seventh Cross". Even alive and she circles indecent and political position in fact reviewer who is completely different, for example Reich Rani ducky. Also admire in her novel structural control and data organization to. In 1947, the novel won the Buchner prize with Anna Seegers. The Seventh Cross is considered to be the most classic German Book of Nazi Germany in 40 of the 30 years of twentieth Century. Hero Heisler eventually fled the Nazi concentration camps. However, there is not a lot of people full of human nature, the rise of great courage to help the people of good intentions, the exile is impossible to win the. This article attempts to discuss the real state of the German public people in exile and the anti fascist theme of the novel through the analysis of the characters. The emphasis of this paper is to introduce the novel strong Township custom, historical background of the writer and made all kinds of writing information. The primitive literature materials and external text analysis research methods, further explains the novel anti fascist theme: a Nazi intimidation and deterrence did not make the axiom of the German public demoralized, falling dispirited status is how rooted in the works, and to what kind of method in the works in the show.


Danksagung   4-6   论文摘要   6   Abstract   7-9   1. Einleitung   9-14       1-1. Themaauswahl   9-11       1-2. Forschungsstand   11-12       1-3. Ziel und Konzeption   12-14   2. Biografische Daten der Autorin   14-17   3. Entstehung und Quellen   17-22   4. Ans tze zur Analyse des Romans   22-56       4-1.Titelmetapher   22-26           4-1-1. Die Zahl Sieben   22-24           4-1-2. Das Kreuz   24-26       4-2. Die Widmung   26-28       4-3. Inhaltsabriss der sieben Kapitel   28-31       4-4. Personenkonstellation   31-45           4-4-1. Sieben Flüchtlinge   32-38           4-4-2. Franz Marnet   38-40           4-4-3. Das Ehepaar R der   40-41           4-4-4. Fiedlers und Hermann   41-42           4-4-5. Die Anh nger des Nationalsozialismus   42-45       4-5. sthetisch-literarische Technik   45-49       4-6. Sprachlich-stilistische Gestaltung   49-56   5. Rezeption   56-58   6. Schlusswort   58-59   Literaturverzeichnis   59-63  
