(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,德语专业论文,德语论文范文,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 2/3项目是浙江科技学院与德国应用科技年夜学结合造就本科生的协作项目,先生的德语基本进修重要在国际停止。因为教授教养对象的特别性,国际外出书市场上未能找到一本非常具有针对性的德语教材。是以,在对项目先生的德语教授教养中,教材的选择与运用成了值得研究的成绩。《走遍德国》作为主教材在项目先生的德语教授教养中运用已有三年,是个中运用时光最长的一本德语教材。本文以《走遍德国》的浏览文章为研究对象,根据认知迷信浏览形式实际和浏览教授教养实际,联合2/3项目先生的特色及课程年夜纲的相干请求,提出合适教授教养对象的浏览技巧练习请求,从而剖析教材对造就先生德语浏览才能供给的能够性及存在的局限性。本文的重点在于剖析教材中的浏览文章及相干演习情势。个中对浏览文章的剖析起首从文章的篇幅、文体和主题三个角度对教材作全体剖析,接着以八篇分歧难度、文体及主题的文章为例,分离停止具体剖析;对演习情势的剖析重要从归纳综合性浏览、选择性浏览与综合性浏览三个角度动身,阐述教材设置的演习情势能否有助于练习先生各项浏览技巧,对不适合的演习情势提出改良看法。经由过程对浏览文章及演习情势的剖析,提出本教材造就项目先生的浏览才能的能够性与局限性,从浏览这一角度对往后教材的选择与运用供给参考。 Abstract: 2 / 3 project is Zhejiang University of science and technology and Germany by University of science and technology combine to create a collaborative project of undergraduate, Mr. German basic education is important in the stop. Because of the special teaching object, international book market failed to find a very targeted German textbook. In the teaching of the German professor of the project, the selection and application of teaching materials has become a worthy of discussion. Throughout Germany, as the main teaching materials in the project of the German professor of teaching has been applied for three years, is one of the most used in the German language teaching. In this paper, "throughout Germany," the view articles for the study, according to the cognitive science and practice of teaching practice, combined with the teaching practice, the combination of the characteristics of 2/3 project and the course of the eve of the relevant request, proposed appropriate teaching object browsing skills training requests, from the analysis of the teaching materials to create the ability and the limitations of the existing. The focus of this paper is to analyze the content of the articles and related exercises. In the analysis of the article from the article's length, style and theme of the three perspectives on teaching materials for all analysis, followed by eight differences of difficulty, style and theme of the article, for example, the analysis of the exercise of the situation from the comprehensive analysis of the importance of comprehensive browsing, selective browsing and comprehensive view of the three point of view, this paper describes the exercise situation can help to practice mr.. Through the process of reading the article and exercise situation analysis, put forward the teaching material to bring up the project of the ability to browse and the limitations of the view, from the perspective of the future of the selection and application of the material supply reference. 目录: Danksagung 4-5 摘要 5 Inhaltsangabe 6-8 1. EINLEITUNG 8-12 1.1 Problemstellung und Schreibanlass 8-10 1.2 Zielsetzung und methodisches Verfahren 10-12 2. THEORETISCHE GRUNDLAGEN 12-34 2.1 Das Wesen des Lesens 12-20 2.1.1 Verarbeitungsebene des Leseprozesses 12-13 2.1.2 Leseprozess in der Kognitionswissenschaft 13-17 2.1.3 Leseziele und Lesestile 17-20 2.2 Allgemeine Kriterien fur die Texteignung 20-25 2.2.1 Lernzielbezogene Kriterien 20-22 2.2.2 Lernerbezogene Kriterien 22-23 2.2.3 Textbezogene Kriterien 23-25 2.3 Strategientraining durch Aufgabenstellungen 25-34 2.3.1 Lesestrategien und Trainingsmoglichkeiten 25-32 2.3.2 Aufgabenformen und Lesestile 32-34 3. ENTWICKLUNG DER UNTERSUCHUNGSKRITERIEN 34-40 3.1 Analyse der Zielgruppe und ihres Lernziels 34-37 3.2 Uberlegungen zur Texteignung 37-38 3.3 Uberlegungen zur Strategienvermittlung 38-40 4. ANALYSE DES LEHRWERKS PASSWORT DEUTSCH IM HINBLICK AUF LESEVERSTEHEN FUR DAF-LERNER AN DER ZUST 40-69 4.1 Konzeption des Lehrwerks 40-42 4.2 Untersuchung der Lesetexte 42-58 4.2.1 Ubersichtliche Darstellung der Lesetexte 43-49 Aspekt:Textlange 43-44 Aspekt:Textsorten 44-47 Aspekt:Themenbereiche 47-49 4.2.2 Texteignung mit Textbeispielen 49-58 4.3 Untersuchung der Strategienvermittlung 58-69 4.3.1 Lesestiltraining als Zielsetzung 58-60 4.3.2 Analyse der Lesestil- und Strategienvermittlung 60-69 Globale Textbearbeitung 60-63 Selektive Textbearbeitung 63-65 Komplexe Textbearbeitung 65-69 5. FAZIT 69-73 6. LITERATUR 73-76 7. ANHANG 76-84 |